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chapter 9 - blank space"you look like my next mistake

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chapter 9 - blank space
"you look like my
next mistake."

The plan was simple-at least that's what Iseul kept telling me all last night. I just had to walk up to Lee Haechan, demand he takes me to his next race, or I'd tell the world his secret. In theory that wasn't too hard-except this was Lee Haechan we were talking about. The same man who had nearly punched a man to death at a press conference yesterday.

I still hadn't processed that.

After returning to my hotel room I still chose to ignore Jisung's calls. My original plan of quitting wasn't successful, Mr Jung's black listing logic stopping me. I also couldn't quit if I was going to get sweet revenge on public enemy number one-Haechan.

However, I couldn't ignore the tall man when he started pounding on my door. I had been taking a nap, trying to rid my mind of the day's events, when the serious PR manager came knocking.

"I didn't see anything," I say with a yawn. But I had, I'd seen too much, and I didn't really want to deal with the disclosure lecture.

He pushes his glasses further up his nose and he titters. "That's not what I came here for, I wanted to make sure you were okay."

I stare at him like a deer in headlights. I hadn't expected him to be concerned.

"Yeah...I'm okay. I've been better," I say the last part in a joke, assuring him I was fine.

I wasn't. The poor reporter's face had been drilled into my head the whole day, but this wasn't a therapy session. I knew Jisung was asking out of courtesy, not because he wanted me to actually unpack my emotions.

"I'm serious Arya, today should never have happened, and I can assure you, Mr Lee will be reprimanded accordingly with standard procedure," he says, "The company and I would completely understand if you want to walk away from this position."

A get-out-of-jail-free card?

This was too easy.

I narrow my eyes at him, "I signed a contract."

Jisung shuffles through the papers on his clipboard. That boy needed a proper folder or something. He hands me a sheet, pointing to the section circled in red.

Page 100, Section 20, Line 7.

"If the applicant is subjected to any violence-of any nature-he/she/they may file for resignation immediately with the usual formal consequences of early resignation being completely acquitted." I read aloud.

"Renjun suggested this section," Jisung explains, "I'd be lying if I said a situation like this had never happened before."

I stare at the pages. When I signed my contract I hadn't even read them through. I never even knew this was a clause.

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