23| anti romantic

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chapter 23 - anti romantic"sorry i'm an anti romantic" ARYA▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞

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chapter 23 - anti romantic
"sorry i'm an anti romantic"

What the fuck are you doing Arya?

I had no reason to be going on late-night joy rides, or teenage-like smoke sessions with any of the members of Dream, let alone public enemy number one Lee Haechan. Even worse, I had no reason to be enjoying it.

That's what's unsettling me the most. I had so much fun the past few days with Haechan and his friends that I almost forgot the twisted reason I'd even agreed to hang out with him in the first place. I was using him for a bigger story-treating him like a pawn in a game he never had a chance of winning. And...I was going to let him kiss me.

That part I hadn't quite processed properly just yet. Even after allowing myself to sleep on it.

I hadn't seen Haechan all day despite seeing the other boys. It was almost like he was avoiding me, not that he had a reason to and not that I cared. I wouldn't even know what to say to him. I just know our relationship had definitely shifted.

Now, I'm sitting in tonight's venue for the concert setting up my camera to capture the next rehearsal. There's plenty of staff running around doing their own tasks and the members of Dream were gearing themselves up to give us a practice show. However, just like always, there was no sign of Haechan. It was a regular pattern for him to cut his arrival time that tad bit shorter-making sure he was exactly on time instead of a few minutes early.

From last night's circumstance, I didn't know whether that little habit was a blessing or a curse.

Thankfully, I had run into Jaemin (since he saw me and Haechan practically ready to jump each other's bones in the hotel parking lot) but he hadn't mentioned anything and settled for walking over to his guitar lazily. It was expected though. He did look too high out of his mind last night to recall such an incident that never even actually happened.

Not that I didn't want it too.

God! What am I even thinking?

Lee Haechan is violent, heavily addicted to drugs and tangled up in illegal street racing. He's not the guy that's supposed to heal your broken heart, Arya. You've already dealt with one asshole who cheated on you with your own sister-you don't need a playboy rockstar as boyfriend number two.

"Well, that doesn't look like a happy face."

I was in the middle of positioning my camera in the right place on the black tripod when a figure blocked the perfect view I had of the stage. I jump back in horror at the voice coming from the man but then I allow my heart rate to slow down once I see the fluorescent hair colour of Dream's lighting manager - it's Chenle.

"Huh?" I mumble.

Chenle walks towards me, dramatically swinging his arm around my shoulder, "What's on your mind, Arya? You look like something's plaguing you."

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