36 | beneath your beautiful

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chapter 36 - beneath your beautiful "you built your wall so high that no one could climb it" ARYA▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞

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chapter 36 - beneath your beautiful
"you built your wall so high that
no one could climb it"

The press conference hall buzzes with anticipation as I take my seat near the back amongst the crowd of eager journalists. Cameras flash and reporters rush to pull out their tape recorders, awaiting their chance to quiz the band in front of them.

My gaze fixes on Haechan, his tousled chestnut hair cascading gently over his eyes, which, for once, don't bear the bloodshot colour I'm used to. I recall the last press conference, where he seemed to be high, perhaps a little too much, which was probably the reason for his outburst when that male journalist ventured too close to his personal life.

As I wait with bated breath for the conference to begin, a torrent of worry and anxiety engulfs me as I think back to that time. The vivid memory of Haechan's anger as the reporter crossed the line haunts me like a relentless shadow. The raw emotions he displayed, akin to an untamed wildfire, still send shivers down my spine. Remembering each time that reporter dared to breach the boundaries of his private life, I recall the pain in his eyes, the frustration boiling under the surface. The fear of witnessing him lose control again gnaws at my heart, and I find myself anxiously bracing for the upcoming questions.

Past me wouldn't have cared, in fact, she would have started to dismiss it as Haechan's true colours shining through. Especially as I think about the earlier dynamic of our relationship. But now, everything has changed. I know he's sensitive about his personal life. Not only was there the time with the reporter, but he also got tense when Taeyong mentioned his real name and the time he didn't wanna talk about the details of his dad with me after I opened up about mine.

I believed him when he opened up about how the media distorts his actions, framing him in a light that doesn't reflect his true self. I know they do the same to all the boys, twisting their narratives to create sensational stories. Over the past few months, as I've grown closer to them, I've come to see the genuine goodness in their hearts. They aren't the villains portrayed by the tabloids; just young boys trying to cope with the side effects of fame.

Now as his friend, I feel a responsibility to shield him from any harm, including the intrusive questions about his family that the media seems eager to throw at him. I can't help but wonder if there's more I could have done to prevent that incident from happening, to protect him from that intrusion. But now, all I can do is be vigilant, ready to intervene if necessary, and gently guide the conversation away from those sensitive topics. Anything for this press conference to run smoothly.

The conference begins and the questions from the journalists pour in like rapid gunfire. Some are playful, while others probe deeper into the band's recent controversies. The initial light-heartedness of the queries helps ease my tension, and I begin to relax, even laughing at some of the band's witty responses.

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