28| falling

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chapter 28 - falling"and your dad keeps calling,tell him cut that shit out" ARYA▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞▞

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chapter 28 - falling
"and your dad keeps calling,
tell him cut that shit out"

My dad's caller I.D flashes across the phone in my lap. I click the red button, not interested in anything he had to say.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I ask as Haechan continues driving.

"Now what fun would that be?"

We've been driving for well over an hour. And after that shit show of a rehearsal dinner, I figured going back to my family home would be inappropriate. Instead, I thought Haechan would be taking us back to our hotel so the two of us could forget about tonight; but after he missed a familiar right turn, I had no clue what he had planned.

"I know it would kill the suspense, but it would help ease my mind if you told me," I plead.

He chuckles to himself, eyes kept on the road.

"Fine.. if you must know, I'm taking you back to the school." He explains vaguely.

"I'm not in the mood to get high, Haechan."

"You don't have to if you don't want to, it's just a good place to clear your head." He smirks, glancing at me for a second. "But just know the offer is always on the table."

"Is that how you clear your head? Drugs?" I ask.

He takes a deep breath, his hand gripping the wheel slightly before he releases it. Like he's mentally calmed himself down before he snaps.

"Something like that."

I slump and he notices it.

"But only when things are too much. Those things they write about me...they're exaggerations."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me," I try to be reassuring, let him know that I'm not trying to be nosy and pry into his personal business, but he frowns.

"I know I don't," he says, "but I want to."

He takes his eyes off the road for a brief moment, catching me staring at the side of his face. I look away feeling shy and I hear a short laugh pass his lips.

"I've got myself under control, Arya."

"I believe you, Haechan."

We continue driving down the downtown streets, until I see the familiar high school building. The last time we were here it was a big group of us — and now knowing that it was just going to be the two of us, I felt nervous.

Haechan helps me up the ladder and into the roof, just like last time, and we collapse down onto the concrete. He kicks both his legs out to lay in front of him and he leans his hands back behind him. I pull my legs to my chest, holding them tightly as I rest my head against them.

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