02| kick it

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chapter 2 - kick it "let me introduce you to somenew things

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chapter 2 - kick it
"let me introduce you to some
new things."

Maybe I should have told my mother that I couldn't make it home tonight after my encounter with the asshole on the train-because the rest of my journey only seemed to get more eventful. The rain had begun gushing down; some old lady started ranting about how she'd lost her cat, and a sleazy drunk couldn't help but pass comments about how good I looked with my hair down.

Whilst I did consider calling Iseul about the incident after it had happened, I decided against it. Knowing her, she'd want all the raunchy details about how he gripped my jaw; and how deep the sultry tone of his voice was. And because I was already cutting it quite late with coming home; I thought that mentioning an attractive guy on the train would have only caused her to ask too many grilling questions.

Attractive was a bit of an understatement. I wasn't blind, I was well aware that he was quite possibly the sexiest man I'd ever seen. But that didn't change the fact that he still chose to open his mouth and act completely full of himself.

I reach my front door, letting out a deep sigh before actually opening it. Upon entering, I was greeted by Haneul, a sweet and kind old man who'd been more of a family member to me than anyone else in this house. Even though his back had started to hunch over and his wrinkles had become more visibly defined, he still had the energy like that of a child on Christmas.

"Good evening Ms Choi," he said, bowing upon my entrance.

"Come on Haneul, you've known me since I was a little girl, I think you've earned the right to call me Arya," I smile as he attempts to take my coat but I don't let him.

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to do that for me, I'm very capable of doing simple tasks, unlike my mother."

At this, he cracks his own smile. A small giggle passed his lips low enough for only the two of us to hear. Haneul was the only person that made me feel like an actual human. I admired how he always managed to keep a twinkle in his eye despite my mother's demands. In fact, it was a miracle that only a few strands of his hair had started to grey after all the stressful things she'd have him do.

"Your mother has been waiting for you in the dining room."

I shut my eyes as I groan, "Oh god, how bad is it, can I still be saved?"

He gives me a lopsided smile that doesn't quite meet his eyes, dimming the last remainders of hope I had that this would be a simple conversation.

"Wish me luck," I say putting my two thumbs up at him before walking past and towards our family dining room.

I knock twice before I hear my mum say come in.

"You're late." She keeps her eyes on the papers in front of her.

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