Chapter 6: Infiltration

Start from the beginning

"It goes around the industrial facilities of Heliopolis." She said.

"Wow. You figured all of this in just a few months? Man. You really have grown." Said Alex in a proud tone as Fu Hua nodded with a small smile.

"Well, with our current predicament as it is, being my old lazy self wasn't gonna cut it anymore." She said with a proud tone.

"With what Kiana's figured out so far, Heliopolis should definitely have the answers we're looking for. If we want more concrete evidence, we're gonna have to go there."

"Easier said that done. That place is filled to the brim with patrol bots, patrol drones, and security cameras. I'd assume we'd have to go inside to get those answers. If anything, I have a feeling that this matter is probably the real reason as to why Schicksal returned." Said Alex.

"I'd assume so. Schicksal is directly helping Arc City and that man won't allow anything smear his good name to the public." Said Fu Hua.

"Regardless of what they're motives are right now, I cannot trust Schicksal. Who knows what that Rita girl is up to. She may take my hint and look elsewhere for answers, or stay put and come back for me again. Honestly, I really don't care what she does in the end. I'll find the answers out for myself." She said.

Alex then took a deep breathe as he face Kiana.

"Alright then. You sound steadfast, so I assume it's time we go reach for the truth?" He asked.

"Yes. Not time to waste." Said Fu Hua as Kiana faced Alex with a confident smirk as she placed a closed fist against his face.

"Let's go."

[TimeSkip: An Hour Later]

[Location: Heliopolis Industrial Facility]

Both Kiana and Alex stood on a rooftop, overlooking the many buildings housed within this area.

The two looked at one another and gave a nodded before setting out towards the entrance to the main building.

Surprisingly, not a lot of security was staioned outdoors though that was mostly because whatever they held inside was definitely more worth securing than anything outdoors.

Sure enough was the two were inside and walked past a set of doors into a large open hallway, there were tons of patrol bots in the area.

The two were able to sneak past a majority of them with a few being needed to be taken down silently.

Eventually the two had arrived at their destination as they went past a set of doors to arrive at the upper deck of a large room with stairs leading to the lower level.

Once down the stairs, the two were met with a shocking sight of multiple Valkyries knocked down amongst a debris of destroyed metal.

"W-What the hell?" Asked Alex as he and Kiana went to check on the fallen Valks.

"Something's up. They hardly seem like they're able to defend themselves. Something bad must've happened here. Be careful you two." Said Fu Hua.

"Class Monitor. They're all heavily wounded. We can't just leave them here." Said Kiana.

"Kiana. We don't have time to waste." Sternly said Fu Hua.

"I-I know but......"

Alex then got Kiana's attention as he called out to her.

"Kiana. If you wanna stay and protect these girls, then just know that I'm fully behind you all the way." He said.

With that, Kiana's decision was made as she withdrew her dual pistols as Alex followed suit by unsheating his sword and right on time as well as a batch of machines and smaller sized beasts emerged.

Despite numerous waves coming at them, the duo were able to take down all the enemies in a swift effort as the two panted before Kiana turned to see that all of the fallen Valkyries had recovered enough to stand up.

"Y-You're the Herrscher of the Void! Please stay away!" Said one of them in fear as they all slowly backed away.

"C-Calm down ma'am. I promise I won't hurt you." Said Kiana.

All the Valkyries did not buy Kiana's as they kept backing away until the one who had spoken suddenly stepped foward, taking a deep breathe as she calmed down.

"T-Thank you..."

"So, what happened here? You don't look all that wounded yet you pratically sound like you're out of breathe." Said Alex.

"T-They played dirty. They let out some kind of.................k-knockout gas. In an instant, all my strength went away."

The Valkyrie began to wobble a bit as Alex caught and gently sat her down as Kiana approached and kneeled before her with a smile and held her hand.

"Don't talk too much. Save your energy and let your friends help escort you." She said.

"M-Ms. s-still down there. She's in danger." She the Valkyrie in a pleading tone, basically asking them to help Rita.

The two then looked up at the elevator that more than likely would take them down to wherever Rita was.

After thinking it over for a bit, Alex came up with an idea.

"Kiana. You go down there and help the maid. Fu Hua you go with her too. I'll stay here and look for the info. I'll fill you in on anything once we meet up." Said Alex as Kiana and Fu Hua were in agreement with that plan.

Kiana then approached the elevator and after making sure that the Valkyrie Squad was okay, Alex left the room and began to sneak his way over to another room to hopefully find some information.

After once again going past some bots and taking out a few, Alex came across an area with many holographic screens as he looked through each one, not really coming across and valuable info until he inspected the last screen where something caught his eye.

"Hmm? Project Stigma? As in Stigmata?" Said Alex.

He had remembered a brief explanation from Theresa back at St. Freya about how Stigmata was what made humans resistant to the Honkai in the first place, allowing them to become Valkyries.

Unfortunately he also remembered Theresa telling him that being accepted by a Stigmata was rare and that a rejection could cause catastrophic side effects to the host.

With that memory in mind, as Alex read about this Project Stigma the more and more horrified he was.

"An artificial city wide Honkai Eruption in the hopes of making a new batch Honkai Resistant humans?"

Alex just held his head low, almost in non belief of what he had just read.

'This must be the reason behind the constant outbreaks. They aren't attracted to Kiana. They're attracted to wherever this artificial eruption is at.' He thought as he looked back up to read the remainder of the paragraph.

When he reached the end, he read a line that seemed familiar.

"All hail to the almighty serpent?" Said Alex in a confused tone.

As he pondered to himself, he began to realize why that last line felt so familiar.

'Wait. Serpent? H-Hold on........................doesn't, Sensei work there?'


Chapter 6: Complete

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