Drarry - TSS

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**In this oneshot Harry is trans (ftm) and it was written when I was in a very sour mood about having to get up at 4am to make sure I don't get TSS (toxic shock syndrome) lol. If you don't know what that is, basically it's this pretty rare but serious condition caused by infection via tampons or menstrual cups, so yeah, in short, you don't wanna get it and it's important to not wear a tampon/menstrual cup for more than the recommended time period. If you wanna know more about it, just type 'TSS' into google and you can read up :) Stay safe everyone and enjoy ;))**



~After Hogwarts~

Now if there's one thing that Harry Potter excels at, it's having an extreme disregard for his own health and safety. Not only was he a clumsy child and still an accident prone adult, but he also often forgets to take care of himself, hence why Draco is the one who sets his alarm for the middle of the night when he has to get up and make sure he doesn't give himself toxic shock syndrome.

Mainly thanks to his ADHD, he's rather forgetful and will often forget that he's had a tampon in for the maximum recommended time. Luckily, he's got a rather organised boyfriend who cares for his well-being very much, almost too much in Harry's opinion. At least when it comes to situations like this.

"C'mon, time to get up," Draco cooed as he gently coaxed Harry to get up. The alarm he'd set when they went to bed had gone off and of course Harry had slept right through it. Harry gave an over the top huff and a whine as Draco shook his shoulders, "Harry, love, you have to get up now."

Eventually, Draco managed to somehow get Harry onto his feet and into the bathroom. He traipsed back to bed and crawled back into the warm spot he'd created from sleeping there for the last few hours. It was four in the morning and no matter how good at waking up to alarms Draco is, four in the morning is still an ungodly hour of the day.

It took a few minutes of Draco wondering if Harry fell asleep on the loo - it wouldn't be the first time, before he heard a flush. Of course Harry hadn't thought to shut the bathroom door, but the toilet was tucked behind a wall so Draco couldn't exactly see if his boyfriend was still conscious. Luckily, he was as he stepped into view to wash his hands and then drag his feet back towards the bed. With all the grace and decorum of a baby mandrake Harry flopped down onto the bed, face first as he groaned into his pillow.

Despite how much he usually found over the top dramatics annoying (ironic, right?) Draco had to admit it was rather amusing, chuckling fondly as he carded his fingers through Harry's unruly bedhead. "You-" Harry began but his mumbling was muffled by the pillow he seemed to be devouring. "What was that, love?"

With a deep dramatic sigh, Harry pushed his face out of the pillow, "you should be so glad you don't have female anatomy." Draco chuckled once again but he had a small frown on his face, his pale hand cupping the side of Harry's tanned cheek, "I'm very glad, and I'm sorry you have to go through this, my darling."

Harry narrowed his eyes playfully as if trying to find a lie. Finding nothing of the sort, he nodded, "that's ok," he nodded again, almost absentmindedly. He was slowly lowering his face towards the pillow again, eyes shutting at the same pace. "Thanks for waking me up, lovely," he muttered before he conked out, snoring and drooling almost instantly.

Draco laughed until he realised his menace of a boyfriend had forgotten to turn off the bathroom light. Not seeing his wand on his bedside table, Draco huffed a resigned sigh as he submitted to his fate, getting out of bed to turn off the light while Harry had the time of his life blowing the house down with his snoring.

Draco wouldn't trade this life for any other. 


I hope you liked this short little oneshot of them just being silly and domestic <3

Have a lovely day/morning/evening/night :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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