Drarry ~ Warm Hands

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**Heyyy guys, I'm sorry for being away for so long. I had loads of school stuff to do, and then some unexpected family issues came up and I just didn't have time to write. Some of the family stuff has been really hard to deal with, and it always makes me feel loads better when I see people commenting and stuff on my work, showing that people are still interested. Anyways, since it's Christmas today, I thought that I should give something back to you guys since you always cheer me up when I'm feeling upset, so I hope this one shot is a decent gift. I'm deciding on wether I should post my Wolfstar one tonight as well. A while ago, someone requested a more nsfw oneshot, and I said that I have no experience writing those and I probably won't do it very well but I would try, and I did.  I tried but it is also probably not great so I'll leave it up to you guys if you want to read it or not :) Anywayssss, I hope you're all having a really nice Christmas or having a nice time celebrating whichever holiday you celebrate, and if you're not, then I'll give you as many hugs as you need, and I hope this oneshot can make it somehow a little better <3 I love youuuu**

**Also just a disclaimer, in this oneshot, James and Regulus are Harry's parents (James being referred to as 'dad' and Regulus being referred to as 'papa'), and Lily is his surrogate mother. No one died, and Peter is good, so the whole friend group is there + Drarry. I hope you enjoy it <333** 


~Godric's Hollow - After Hogwarts~

The sound of a squabbling couple could be heard down the pavement. Why you might ask? Well because Harry and Draco, the couple in question, were on their way to Harry's childhood home for Christmas. The problem though, is that less than ten minutes ago, Draco had told Harry to wear gloves. The dark haired boy had refused, "honestly, I'm a professional quidditch player, I'm not going to cry over cold hands," Harry had told his fiancé as they rushed out the door of their apartment and into a taxi that had already been waiting for the last five minutes. They had a few extra things to bring.

Not even two minutes after they had gotten out of the taxi at the edge of the small town, Harry had started complaining that his hands were cold. First it was subtle yet slightly irritating fidgeting with his calloused hands. Then it was breathing out a gust of warm air onto them. And finally, the last straw for Draco, was when Harry had lifted his own jumper up and stuffed his hands under his armpits to keep them warm. Not only did it look stupid, but was also dangerous because the floor was slightly icy and if Harry fell then he wouldn't be able to catch himself.

So, Draco let out an exasperated sigh before taking his own gloved hands out of his coat pockets and taking off his right hand glove. Harry watched in confusion as they continued to walk down the road, slowly getting closer to their destination. The blonde boy then took Harry's right hand out from under his jumper and shoved the glove onto his hand. Now Draco's right hand and Harry's left hand were fully exposed to the painfully cold breeze, and the only solution was to hold hands. Harry stared down at their conjoined hands as if he were sixteen again, holding the Slytherin's hand for the first time. The freezing cold surface of Harry's engagement ring stung Draco's hand for a second before his body heat warmed it up.

"Thanks, Love," Harry smiled, bringing their hands up to his face so he could place a light kiss on the back of Draco's hand which was exceptionally pale and smooth compared to his.

"Next time you'll listen to me then?" Draco just shrugged.

"Mmm.... no promises," Harry winked, earning an eye roll from his fiancé but the blonde still had that signature smirk on his face that Harry loves to cover with little tender kisses, especially when it's cold like this and Draco's cheeks go even more red from blushing and because of frostbite.

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