Drarry ~ Wedding Invites

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** Sorry I haven't updated in a while, been busy with school. Anyways here's a Drarry oneshot I found deep in my drafts so yeah. In this one, Sirius and Remus didn't die and they're living with Drarry in 12 Grimmauld Place. It's set after the war and just before the Dursleys left, Harry and Dudley began to make ammends so it's kind of picking up from there. I hope this makes sense :) Let me know if you have any questions!**

Enjoy!! <3


~ After Hogwarts ~

12 Grimmauld Place

That's the address Dudley was given several years ago. Right before he had to leave due to Harry's magic business, the cousins had begun making amends. They were nowhere near friends by the time Vernon whisked them away, but they weren't being downright horrible to each other. Harry had told him that he could go to that address in a few years time if he wanted to ever meet up. He warned him he must wait at least two years, but said that he hoped they'd see each other again to hopefully sort out their stupid childhood rivalry.

Dudley had no idea if Harry still lived here, but now he was standing on the lawn on 12 Grimmauld Place, no time to turn back. He took a few hesitant steps up to the front door before knocking. The windows were dark and he couldn't see what was inside so he didn't have high hopes. It took a moment but his spirits were lifted when the door opened. Suddenly his mood dropped when instead of his green eyed, dark skinned, curly haired cousin, he was met with a pointy looking, blue eye, blonde with the palest skin he'd ever seen.

"Yes," the man at the door asked. For a moment Dudley contemplated just saying he got the wrong house, "sorry to bother you, I was just wondering if someone called Harry lives here? Harry Potter." Blue eyes squinted at him, more icy than his own blue eyes. "Who's there," Dudley heard another voice coming from down the hall inside the house. He couldn't see who the voice belonged to but the blonde man turned around to look over his shoulder, "someone looking for Harry."

At that, the door opened wider to accommodate the other man. "What's your business with my godson," dark almost black eyes narrowed at him. Swallowing his nerves, Dudley tried to act confident, "he's my cousin. A few years ago he told me to come to this address but to wait a year or so," he explained, "I was just wondering if I could speak with him." Dudley knew his cousin had a godfather, having talked about it briefly while they were trying to make amends. This man didn't look like how he'd imagined him. He had long, dark wavy hair that went just past his shoulders, his arms were covered in tattoos and he had a multitude of earrings. Dudley swore he was wearing some dark makeup around his eyes and he didn't look a day over thirty five but he wasn't going to make assumptions about someone's age.

The blonde walked away into the house while the long haired man remained in the doorway. "You're Sirius, Sirius Black," Dudley managed to remember Harry telling him this several years ago. Sirius smirked a little, "it's Sirius Lupin now," and Dudley wasn't that stupid, he knew that meant the man was married. There was no ring on his finger but when he risked a glance at Sirius' ring finger, he noticed the moon phases tattooed where the ring would normally be. It was a little odd to him that Sirius would take his wife's last name, but it wasn't really his business so he didn't say anything.

Then, another person came up to the door but it wasn't Harry. This man was tall and had scars littered all over every bit of exposed skin Dudley could see. He looked tired, as if he hadn't gotten a full night's sleep ever in his life, but he looked soft and cuddly in his jumpers and loose trousers paired with some slippers Dudley could imagine his grandad wearing. "Hey love, who's this," the man with the hazel eyes asked Sirius. Dudley didn't miss the pet name used, eyes flickering between the two. "Harry's cousin, Dudley," Sirius said and the other man nodded. He held out a hand which Dudley shook politely, no longer being the horribly disrespectful and misbehaved child he once was. "Pleasure to meet you, Dudley. Harry's told us about how you were making amends before... well before all hell broke loose let's say," the taller man chuckled. "Yes, nice to meet you..." Dudley wasn't sure he caught his name, "Remus Lupin, but no need for the full name stuff, we're rather recalled around here," he nodded. It didn't take a genius to connect the dots that Sirius was married to Remus and therefore had a husband instead of a wife.

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