Drarry ~ Reunion and sickness

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**Hey guys!! Just to let you know, this oneshot mentions PTSD, major character death (none of the present characters die),mistreatment as a child (bullying), and a brief mention of diets when talking about Dudley when he was younger, but nothing too serious. They are mentioned pretty mildly but if any of these things upset you, then please read cautiously, or depending on how much you don't like these topics, please don't read at all. I promise it is a very fluffy one shot, but there is slight mentions so I just wanted to warn you. I hope this makes sense and you enjoy the oneshot :))**

**Also this oneshot has POC Harry. I know that everyone has their own hc for what the characters look like, but just to give you an idea of what I was and usually imagine writing these, I'm telling you that this is written with POC Harry in mind. For anyone who doesn't know what that means, POC stands for : person/people of colour. There are quite a lot of people in this fandom who hc Harry to be POC from James' side fo the family, their heritage coming from places in India, but I've seen other people hc them from places like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc. Of course not all people of colour are only from these places, but these are just the hc's I've seen. Personally, I don't have a specific country, I just like to imagine what the characters look like :P so I hope this makes sense :) Everyone is entitled to their own imagination, but I guess this is just a little inside scoop as to what the author is thinking :))**



~London - After Hogwarts~ 

It was extremely unexpected when Harry bumped into none other than Dudley Dursley, his bully of a cousin, on his way home from work. Harry's boots covered in mud, his pants covered in grass stains. The rain wasn't forgiving today, and Harry was stuck out on the quidditch field training all day. He would have stayed inside, as to not get sick, but he is particularly resilient to colds, and fights them off easily. Besides, there was a new game coming up in a few weeks and he had to be prepared as much as possible.

Anyways, the matter at hand was that he had just bumped into his cousin. The two haven't spoken in years. Their last encounter was the day the Dursleys left Harry in Little Whinging when he was sixteen, now being twenty three. Realistically, Harry knew that Dudley was older now and therefore more mature. Besides, he had even given somewhat of an apology to Harry before they left seven years ago. Though there was still an initial feeling of fear.

Dudley looked different. He was taller, and slightly slimmer, maybe he was going to the gym? Or maybe just the product of not living at home with his parents who spoiled him with gifts and more treats than any child could dream. Anyways, he looked healthier than when he had to go on that special diet in the summer between Harry's third and fourth year. His hair was shorter but styled nicely, and his clothing style had definitely improved since they were teenagers. Either way, he was still recognisable.

The two made eye contact, and for a second, Harry wondered whether Dudley would recognise him or not. He himself had changed quite a bit. He spends more time out in the sun now thanks to being a professional quidditch player, making his skin darker than it was when he was being kept cooped up under the stairs all day. His hair was also longer, tied into a tiny ponytail at the back of his head, the shorter parts at the front still falling into his eyes, not to mention the dark beard that he had started to grow. He was due for a haircut. His glasses were the same, but haven't been broken in some time, and sadly his scar never faded. Harry was definitely more filled out than he was in his Hogwarts years, thanks to training, and to highlight those muscles, he had multiple tattoos snaking down his arms. A few of those tattoos being a dog paw, a crescent moon, and stag antlers, as well as a lily flower, a mini silhouette of a cat and a small dragon that wrapped around his wrist, its tail tracing closer to his hand. His hands were definitely more rough and worn out from the years of fighting death eaters and also quidditch training, but what made it all the more better was the subtle golden ring on his finger.

Drarry and Wolfstar One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora