Drarry ~ Unexpected Birthday

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~Hogsmeade - Eighth Year~

The couple walked down the quiet street, holding hands. They had decided to go out today to celebrate Draco's 19th birthday. It was actually a school day and so there were no other students around, luckily Headmistress Mcgonagall gave them permission to leave the school. How would she say no? After all, both Harry and Draco played a big role in saving the school, they even spent all of last summer helping to repair the castle.

As they walked, they talked about nothing in particular, just having small conversations. They had just been to The Three Broomsticks for a drink and are now going to Honeydukes.

"Dray," Harry said as he slowed his walking.


"Is it just me or do you hear... crying?" Harry asked, looking in the direction of where the sound is coming from.

"It sounds like a child," Draco said as they slowly walked towards the origin of the sound.

They rounded the corner into an empty alleyway. Then they saw her, a girl. A little girl was sitting on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest and she was crying. She was also alone.

"Hey, what happened?" Harry asked the girl sympathetically.

The girl didn't say anything, she just stared at Harry and Draco.

"Do you know where your mummy and daddy are?" Draco asked, they figured she might be lost.

The girl once again didn't say anything, she just shook her head, more tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Do you want to come with us and we can help you find your family?" Harry asked, holding out his hand to the little girl.

The girl slowly put her hand into Harry's. It was barely half the size of his but she held onto three of his fingers as she stood up. The girl was tiny, her head only made it to below Harry's waist, and even lower on Draco. The three of them walked along the main path for a while, but there was hardly anyone there. After about half an hour of looking, Harry and Draco had to go back to the school. They hadn't found the girls family yet but they couldn't just leave her here alone.

"We have to go back to our school now, do you want to come with us and you can meet a really nice lady who will help to find your family?" Harry asked, the girl replied with a small nod.

So they set off on their way back to Hogwarts. The walk was long but Draco and Harry had walked it many times so it wasn't hard for them, although the girl seemed to get tired very quickly and so Draco resulted in carrying her on his back. As soon as they made it back to the school, Draco put her back down on her feet and the three of them went right to Minerva's office. The hallways were empty because everyone was still in lessons, this, Harry and Draco were thankful for because they didn't want people to be asking questions, and they also didn't want the girl to be scared.

"Come in," The headmistress said as Harry knocked on the door to her office.

"Oh Harry, Draco, how was your day?" She asked as they walked in.

"And who's this?" She questioned warmly as the little girl shyly stepped out from behind Draco's leg.

"We're not sure, we found her in a deserted alley in Hogsmeade, she hasn't said any words to us yet." Harry informed.

"Oh dear!" Mcgonagall sighed, feeling sorry for the girl, she must be scared.

"We spent a while looking for her parents but there was hardly anyone there and none of them knew who she was, she didn't run up to any of them either. So we thought our next best thing to do is to bring her here, at least she will be safer in the castle than on the streets." Draco explained.

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