Wolfstar ~ The book

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** This one shot was inspired by hatts394 who commented on a previous one shot with this idea. I'm not sure if you still read my one shot's, but if you do, thank you for the suggestion, it was really fun to write. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this one shot and have a lovely day or night <3**


~Hogwarts - fourth year~

The first thing Remus Lupin saw when he walked into his dorm room was one his roommate and friend who was sprawled out across his bed. There were tears rolling down his face, but they didn't look familiar. Sirius hardly ever cries, the only times Remus had seen Sirius cry was the first time they had to go home in first year, and when he gets the odd letter and howler from his parents.

"Oh! Moony! Look! I usually don't read but I saw this on the floor and started reading it." Sirius started, Remus was intrigued now, they were talking about books after all.

"It's the most tragic story ever!" Sirius wailed through tears, a little dramatically.

"What's it called?" Remus asked, interested by this book that made Sirius so emotional.

"Don't know, it doesn't have a name on the cover." Sirius shrugged, sniffling as Remus walked closer.

"What's it about then?" Remus prompted before stopping dead in his tracks, staring at the book in Sirius' hands.

"This boy is in love with his roommate who's also his best friend, but his roommate is so infuriating because he can't get any of the main character's hints but also... listen to this... the best friend is probably straight! STRAIGHT! And apparently he's a player too. I feel so bad for the main character," Sirius let out a sob at the end.

"Yeah, I feel bad for him too," Remus deadpanned, knowing exactly what that book was.

"Wait... aren't you straight?" Remus asked after a second, catching onto all that Sirius had said.

"I dunno." Sirius shrugged before quickly snapping his head towards Remus with a worried face and away from the book.

"Relax, it's fine," Remus smiled reassuringly at one of his best friends.

"Please don't tell the others though, I'm still figuring it out myself." Sirius mumbled, looking at Remus with pleading eyes.

"I won't, I promise. I would hate for someone to do that to me." Remus promised meaningfully, earning a strange look from Sirius.

"Wait-" Sirius' eyes grew wide.

"Um, I like boys and girls. It's called being bisexual." Remus explained awkwardly.

"O-oh, cool. Cool." Sirius said, seeming to be deep in thought.

"Can I have my book back please?" Remus asked nicely.

Sirius handed the book to the boy, and got up to leave the room. He promised Remus he wouldn't tell anyone he was bisexual and Remus promised he wasn't going to tell anyone about how Sirius was questioning his sexuality.

Once the door to the dorm room closed, Remus let out a sigh of relief as he walked over to his own bed, laying flat on his back and looking up at the ceiling. You see, it wasn't a book that Sirius was reading, it was Remus' diary. Luckily, Remus is smart and didn't write any names into it, and so there is no way Sirius would have figured out Remus wrote it and it was about his very real feelings towards him.

For the next few weeks, Sirius seemed more distant to Remus, but also closer at the same time. He didn't really know how to explain it. During lessons, Sirius would have no problem with sitting next to Remus or joking with him during meal times and in the common room with the rest of the Gryffindors. Although, when they were alone, or if they were walking to class or doing a prank, it almost seemed as though Sirius was avoiding Remus. He couldn't understand it.

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