Wolfstar ~ Late for breakfast

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~Hogwarts - Sixth Year~

It was a cold morning in Hogwarts. Winter is just around the corner and the full moon is a few days away. Although, currently, Remus isn't thinking of that because he is completely happy as he is. He has just woken up and in his arms is his sleeping boyfriend, Sirius. His shoulder length ebony hair is still tied up in a messy bun from last night. His back is pressed into Remus' chest and one of his hands is under his head on the pillow while the other has a handful of bedsheets in it, holding them over his bare chest.

Sirius started to stir in his sleep as Remus pressed sweet kisses onto his shoulder blade and neck where there are already a few marks. The shorter boy then slowly rolled over in bed, now facing his boyfriend.

"Morning, Moons," He said groggily.

"Morning, beautiful," Remus said before softly kissing Sirius' lips.

Sirius gave a sleepy smile before tucking his head into Remus' chest. Remus knew he would be tired and so he stayed patient. He lifted the silencing spell, pulled open the curtains around his bed and looked around the room, noticing that James and Peter had left for breakfast already. The warm rays of sun were shining through the window, illuminating the center of the room and some of Sirius' empty bed.

A few minutes later, Remus had to wake Sirius up again if they wanted time to eat breakfast. He gently kissed the top of his head and put a hand on his cheek.

"Pads, we've gotta get up now." Remus said quietly while gently rubbing Sirius' cheek with his thumb.

Sirius groaned in response but slowly pushed himself up using his hands. Remus got out of bed and picked up a pair of Sirius' pants before tossing them at him. Sirius obviously didn't catch them because he was still processing everything that was going on, so he slowly got out of bed and picked up his pants.

"Shit! Breakfast ends in ten minutes!" Remus muttered to himself and started getting ready a lot quicker.

Now the two boys were frantically getting dressed. Not only because they didn't want to miss the food, but also because they would never hear the end of it from James and Peter if they showed up to breakfast late together again, and they also had a potions test first class so they can't be late for that. Sirius was hopping around with one leg in his pants while trying to get his other one in. Remus on the other hand was brushing his teeth as quickly as possible while taking breaks to button up his shirt.

No more than two minutes later, the two boys were running down the hall laughing as they tried to make it in time. They ran up to their seats in the Great Hall, Sirius' tie not on properly and Remus' hair all messy.

"Fun night?" James asked, raising an eyebrow at his two best friends.

"Shut up, Prongs!" Sirius mumbled while stuffing as much toast into his mouth as possible.


Hi, I know it's short, but I hope you liked my first ever one shot :)

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