Wolfstar ~ I think I love him

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**Um so in my notes the POV for this oneshot just says "Remus comes out to his mum Nick Nelson style". If you don't know, Nick Nelson is a character from this comic called Heartstopper by Alice Oseman, who discovers he's bisexual and ends up coming out to his mum while telling her he's got a boyfriend. I'm like a little teeny tiny bit obsessed with her books as I've got all of them and the stupidly expensive special edition ones of a few of them too, so yeah. This idea also came to me because a few months ago I was in Brighton at this super cool antique store and got this cherry red rotary dial telephone for my room and I just thought it was something I could imagine the Marauders using at some point so yea.**

**Also I used google translate and a few quick google searches for the Welsh since I don't know the language, so I'm sorry if any of it is incorrect, I'll put the english translation in brackets next to the words anyways so you guys don't have to waste time putting them into a translator haha**

**Anyways, enjoy!!**


~Hogwarts - Sixth Year~

They'd been using telephones in muggle studies the other week and Remus had thought nothing of it, growing up in a primarily muggle home. His best mates loved it and found it all fascinating. He'd brushed it off, not thinking anything special of it until one night a few days later after a date he had. More specifically, a date with Sirius. His boyfriend. They'd gone to Hogsmeade and had shared some tea and cakes at Madam Puddifoots before Sirius hid them in a secluded alcove where he pressed Remus against the wall, having to go up on his toes to reach the boy's lips. Their relationship wasn't new, per-say, but it was still tentative brushes of lips and secret hand holding under tables, away from prying eyes.

That date in particular, nothing special or out of the ordinary happened but Remus just felt... content. Living the life he does, with his 'furry little problem' as his mates call it, it's rare he just feels utterly happy and relaxed. Even more rare for someone else to be the reason he feels that way. He and Sirius have only been dating for five months, but he's sure he feels something for him that's similar to love. Not sure if he can fully let himself though. Scared to let himself love only to hurt him or just lose him. In the late hours of the night, emotionally vulnerable, Remus let a few silent tears slip as he felt like a little boy again, unsure of how he felt, unsure of how to sort through his feelings, wanting his mam(mum) to just come in and turn on the star shaped night light he had in his childhood room before cuddling him back to sleep.

Not knowing what to do but desperately wanting to talk to his mam(mum), he ended up devising a plan. The muggle telephones were being stored in the broom cupboard next to the muggle studies classroom. He wasn't sure how exactly they'd gotten them to work given that Hogwarts is entirely magic and has no power outlets but as long as it works, he wasn't going to complain or question it. They'd practised dialling and such, but not actually calling anyone in the muggle world. Remus knows how the telephone works, having used one for far longer than his friends, he just kept his fingers crossed that it would genuinely work and would connect with a muggle telephone line.

So, in the early early hours of the morning, Remus grabbed the invisibility cloak from the pile of clothes on their dorm room floor as well as the map. His friends were all soundly asleep and hadn't noticed him silently slip out of the room. It was just about four in the morning by the time he'd reached the broom cupboard that was holding the telephones. Scotland and Wales don't have any time difference which was great because Remus knows for a fact his mam(mum)would be awake now. She's a nurse and has to get up before the sun to get to work, Remus just hopes she hears the phone ring before she rushes out the door.

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