Wolfstar ~ Love chain

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~Hogwarts - Sixth Year~

"Reggie? Why did you want to see me?" Sirius asked as he neared his brother, the moonlight shimmering on the black lake that they stood next to.

"I have to give you something." Regulus said and Sirius' eyes darted to his brothers clasped hands.

"Why couldn't you have given it to me during the day?" Sirius asked, confused as to why he had to come to the black lake at 11pm.

"Because, it's a special thing. You might've lost it if I gave it to you during the day." Regulus said and Sirius couldn't disagree.

"Well, what is it?" Sirius asked, goosebumps covering his arms as a cold breeze brushed past.

Regulus held out his hand and in his palm was a silver chain and a circle pendant that looked like the crescent moon. Sirius stared at it for a few seconds, confused, before he slowly took a hold of the chain where it clasps together. He lifted it off his brother's hand and inspected it. The necklace was long, maybe a forty centimeter chain with the moon pendant that has a radius of about ten centimeters due to it not being a full circle. It spun slowly as it hung in the light breeze.

"It's your love chain. Mother and father took it when you were born and they were supposed to give it to you two days ago when you turned seventeen, but you kind of left home so they can't give it to you. They were angry so they didn't really want to give it to you, but I took it from them so I could give it to you." Regulus explained.

"Reg! You could get in a lot of trouble for this!" Sirius then said, worried for his brother.

"It's fine, Sirius. Besides, it's rightfully yours, everyone gets their love chain when they're born and their parents are supposed to give it to them when they turn seventeen. You deserve it, you deserve to be loved, Sirius. How are you going to find love if you don't ever find your soulmate?" Regulus defended, getting teary eyed by the end, a side of himself that only Sirius has seen before.

"Don't cry, Reg." Sirius said softly, wiping the tear off his brother's cheek.

"I'm sorry, I can take it back if you want..." Regulus said, trying not to cry because growing up on the Black family, you are taught that crying means you're weak.

"No! I love it, thank you for getting it for me." Sirius said, not angrily, just shocked that his brother is getting this upset.

"So why do you seem so unhappy about it?" Regulus asked, looking up into his brother's silver eyes.

"I'm really happy about it, I was just worried for you since you could get in trouble for taking it." Sirius explained.

"I'll be fine," Regulus said, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"You should be getting to bed though. Sorry for calling you out so late." He continued.

"Excuse me, I'm the older brother. You're the one who should be in bed." Sirius joked, causing Regulus to chuckle a bit.

"Ok," Regulus sighed, defeated.

"Thank you, Reggie. I love you so much and I'll always be here if you need me." Sirius said as he pulled his brother into a tight and warm hug, catching Regulus off guard.

"Thanks, Sirius. I guess I love you too," Regulus said as he slowly melted into the hug, causing Sirius to roll his eyes at his sarcasm.


The next morning, Sirius put on the necklace as James walked over to him.

"What's that?" James asked.

"It's my love chain, Reggie gave it to me last night." Sirius explained, admiring how the crescent moon looked on him.

"That's nice, do you know who's love chain it connects to?" James asked, knowing about how they connect to your soulmates love chain because he too is due to get one on his seventeenth birthday. Everyone in the wizarding world gets one when they turn seventeen.

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