Wolfstar ~ Teaching Sirius

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~Hogwarts - Fifth Year~

It was an awfully quiet night in the Gryffindor boys dorm room. James and Peter were in detention for different reasons. James for arguing with Snape, and Peter for getting caught taking food from the kitchens. Surprisingly, Sirius wasn't joining the two boys in detention because he was busy in his own detention when James and Peter got in trouble.

That means there were only two of the four Marauders in their dorm. Remus was sitting on his bed reading, and Sirius was in the bathroom that is connected to the dorm room. Now that Remus thinks about it, Sirius has been in there for an awfully long time. He decided to give him a few more minutes before going to check if he's ok.

A few minutes passed and Remus couldn't take in a single word that he was reading because his mind kept straying back to Sirius. Finally giving in to his impatience, Remus got up from his bed and cautiously walked over to the bathroom door.

"Pads? You ok?" Remus said slowly, knocking gently on the door.

"Um y-yeah. Just don't come in." Sirius stuttered and Remus started to get worried.

"What are you doing in there? You've been in there for ages." Remus asked.

"N-nothing." Sirius responded, almost sounding embarrassed.

"Do you need any help?" Remus asked, he couldn't think of what Sirius would need help for but he just felt like he should say that.

"No!" Sirius said back, not angry, just quickly.

"Well, maybe..." Sirius said after a minute of silence.

"Ok, well, open the door and then I can help you." Remus said as if guiding a toddler.

"Wait! Before you come in... promise not to laugh?" Sirius said in a small voice.

"Sirius, I would never laugh at something you need help for." Remus replied truthfully.

"Promise, Remus. Promise?" Sirius said, defeatedly.

"I promise I won't laugh at you." Remus said, deadly truthful and sincere.

He then heard the click of a lock and the door slowly got pushed open by Sirius. The shorter boy shyly faced the floor as Remus stepped into the bathroom just big enough to fit three people. The werewolf was confused as to why Sirius was acting so... not like Sirius. He seemed embarrassed.

"Sirius, what's wrong?" Remus asked, looking around the bathroom for a clue as to why his boyfriend has been in there for so long.

Sirius didn't respond and kept his head down, so Remus put a finger under his chin and tilted his head up so he could see the beautiful face. Although, his face looked different. Still as pretty as it always is to Remus, but now he noticed something else on it. This time, a light stubble covered the majority of the lower half of Sirius' face, not visible from afar, just up close.

"Why did you think I would laugh?" Remus asked, looking into Sirius' silver eyes but Sirius couldn't bring himself to look into Remus' eyes.

"Because..." Sirius mumbled and Remus didn't catch what he said after the 'because'.

"What?" Remus asked softly.

"Because I... don't know how to get rid of it." Sirius said in a really quiet voice, but Remus still heard it.

"James was gonna tell me how to, but he's not here so..." Sirius thought out loud.

"You could've just asked me," Remus said, a small comforting smile played on his lips.

"But that's embarrassing, Re. How come literally all the boys in our year know how to other than me?! Merlin, the girls probably know too! I feel so dumb." Sirius said, not yelling, but getting defensive and upset.

"Pads, you're not dumb. You're smart, brave, funny, cute, and very punk rock." Remus said, the first part serious but the sentence ended with a small smile, almost making Sirius smile too.

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