Wolfstar ~ Truth or Dare

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~Potter Manor - Fifth Year~

This Christmas, Remus and Sirius were staying over at the Potters. Peter was invited too but his parents wanted him to stay at home so he couldn't come. Remus and Sirius have been dating since the start of fourth year and James is still madly obsessed with Lily. Right now they are sitting in James' room by the fire and talking.

It's about 10pm on Christmas eve, and they are all in their pyjamas. Even though there are perfectly good armchairs, they still decided to sit on the floor. Sirius was sitting between Remus' legs and James was opposite them.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" James suggested.

"Yes!" Sirius replied.

"No." Remus said at the same time.

Remus was still recovering from the full moon the other day. Something he loves to do while he mentally recovers is play with Sirius' hair. The beautiful ebony locks flow so freely between his fingers. He got Lily to teach him how to braid hair just so he could sit and do Sirius' hair. Sirius never lets anyone near his hair, but Remus is the only exception.

"Well it's two against one so tough luck, Moony." James laughed.

"Prongs, Truth or Dare?" Sirius asked.


"Hmmm, I dare you to go downstairs and hex one of your parent's gifts so that it explodes when they open it!" Sirius evilly laughed to himself while he watched his best friend leave the room and come back a few minutes later.

"Ok, Moony, Truth or Dare?" James asked and Remus rolled his eyes, he was too tired for this.


"Hmmm, who do you like more, Me or Padfoot?" James asked and shared a competitive look with Sirius.

"Uh, well, I guess because Pads is my boyfriend, and he is a lot more stylish than you..." He started and Sirius had a look of hope on his face.

"But you're less clingy, and my best friend..." He continued and now it was James' turn to look hopeful.

"Sorry Prongs but I'm gonna have to go with this dumbass. I mean, I get to kiss him and play with his hair sooo..." Remus said and smirked at the name he gave Sirius.

"Ha!" Sirius said and stuck his tongue out at his best friend who crossed his arms and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Okay, Truth or Dare, Pads." Remus asked.

"Dare! I'm no wuss!" Sirius said smirking at James as if to prove a point.

"I dare you to let James do your hair." Remus said simply. Giving James a mischievous look.

Sirius was too confident in himself and he didn't realise what he had coming for him. Too bad this was magical Truth or Dare and you get forced to tell the truth or do the dare whether you want to or not. So, Sirius unwillingly got up and sat next to James. He had a smirk on his face before he stuck his hands in Sirius' long hair and shook it. Now his hair had a few knots in it and was all messy. Sirius felt like he might cry.

"I've had enough of this game." Sirius said glumly once the dare was over.

"Sorry, Padfoot," James apologised sincerely when he saw his best friend's reaction.

"It's fine." Sirius quietly responded. He knew James was sorry.

He didn't stay to say anything else, he just left and went to the room he and Remus were staying in, leaving his boyfriend and best friend in James' bedroom. A few minutes later, there was a light knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in." Sirius said.

The door slowly opened to reveal Remus. He walked in and sat down on Sirius' side of the bed because Sirius was lying down on said werewolf's side, facing away from the door. He went to stroke his hair but decided it would be best if he didn't.

"What's wrong, love?" Remus asked after a few seconds of silence.

"I-it's just... whenever people... mess up my hair, it reminds me of the time... the time when my m-mother tried t-to c-cut it o-off." Sirius choked out before he started crying.

Remus now realized his and James' mistake and understood why Sirius got so upset.

"Oh, Love," Remus said as he leant down to hug Sirius' sobbing body.

Remus knew that Sirius didn't like his mother and that she had done terrible things to him in the past. One of them was when she tried to cut off all his hair. She only managed to cut off half of it before Sirius escaped so when he returned to school after that summer, his hair was all patchy and uneven. A lot of people laughed at him for it, and when he turned into his animagus form, he had bald spots all over his body.

After he finished crying, he sat up and Remus knew what to do. He quickly but calmly got up and went to the vanity that was covered in Sirius' possessions. He picked up Sirius' hairbrush and then went and sat down on the bed again. He started to gently brush through Sirius' hair. Making sure not to pull too hard through the knots and tangles. Once his hair was back to it's normal neatness, he put the brush back.

He then took off his jumper and handed it to Sirius who took off his shirt and replaced it with Remus' jumper. They both took off their trousers and got into bed.

"Thank you, Re," Sirius said, sounding sleepy.

"I'm sorry about the dare and I love you, Pads," Remus said as he pulled Sirius' back towards his chest.

"I love you too," Sirius responded before dozing off.

They fell asleep in each other's arms like every night that they are together.


I hope you liked this, I tired to make it a bit sad but also fluffy :)

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