Wolfstar ~ Coming out

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*Hey so I just wanted to say, before you get confused by the use of pronouns, read the note at the bottom if you don't understand why I didn't use consistent pronouns for the whole one shot.*



~Hogwarts - Fifth Year~

Sirius Black has a secret. Something he has been holding in for a long time. No one knew except for him, but he wished for other people to know. He had to come out and now was the time. Not come out as gay, he'd already done that ages ago and he already has a boyfriend, Remus. He wants to come out for a different thing.

He decided the first person he was going to come out to was Remus, feeling like he would understand it most. So, Sirius asked Remus to go to the astronomy tower one night so they could meet there, and they did.

"Hey, Moony," Sirius smiled as he walked up the last few steps of the tower and saw Remus waiting there already.

"Hey, Pads," Remus responded, turning around to face Sirius.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" Remus then asked.

"Um, I have to tell you something," Sirius started nervously.

"What is it?" Remus prompted softly.

"So, uh... I'm not a girl," Sirius started but did not get the point across.

"Wow, that's surprising," Remus joked but stopped when he saw the look on Sirius' face.

"I'm not a boy either though... " Sirius said, their hands nervously playing with each other behind their back.

"Oh, ok. Cool," Remus smiled supportively, causing Sirius to smile back.

"You're ok with it?" Sirius asked for confirmation.

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" Remus asked a rhetorical question before holding his arms out for Sirius to hug him.

Sirius gladly walked over to Remus and hugged him, tears welling up in their eyes as their body filled with relief. Obviously Remus was ok with this, but he wasn't even surprised. He had noticed moments when Sirius wasn't acting like they normally do around James and Peter, even around Remus himself sometimes. He also noticed sometimes Sirius would act uncomfortable when they were constantly referred to as a male. He always kind of had a feeling.

"So, do you want to go by they and them pronouns?" Remus asked after they had been hugging for a few minutes, Sirius still held tightly in his arms. He got his response by Sirius nodding their head slightly.

"And what about 'boyfriend'?" Remus then asked.

"Can you say 'partner' instead?" Sirius asked, their cheek pressed against Remus' chest as they tilted their head upwards to look at Remus.

"Of course," Remus smiled down at Sirius softly.

"I don't know how to tell James and Peter," Sirius said after a few seconds of silence.

"Am I the first person you have told?" Remus asked and Sirius nodded.

"When the time is right, you will feel it. Don't force yourself to tell them if you aren't ready, I will keep it a secret until you're ready to come out to them," Remus smiled and looked Sirius in the eye to show he was being honest."Thank you," Sirius smiled softly."Anything for you," Remus smirked, causing Sirius to chuckle.


Hi, so if you're confused about the pronouns in this, I decided to refer to Sirius as he/him at the beginning so that it wasn't as obvious and then once they came out, I used they/them pronouns. I hope this makes sense and you understand. If you have any concerns, please comment and let me know :)

Love youuu

Have a lovely day/night/morning/afternoon <3 :)

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