Drarry - Soulmarks

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~4 Privet Drive - Before Hogwarts~

Soulmates are something that isn't uncommon. Not everyone has one, but for those who do, they get a soulmark. They aren't born with them, they eventually reveal themselves as you grow up. Some people have images like flowers or animals that have something to do with their soulmate, a clue on who it would be. For those people, their soulmark only gains colour once they establish some sort of positive relationship to their soulmate. For other people with soulmates, they have letters instead of an image. The letters spell out their soulmate's name, but it doesn't reveal itself all at once. The letters will gradually show up on their skin throughout their life, and will only show a complete name if they establish a positive relationship with their soulmate.

For the people who don't have soulmates, they live a normal life, just the same as people with soulmates. There really isn't much of a difference, except soulmates have a mark on their body that signifies their bond. Obviously this causes some controversy as to whether having a soulmate is better or worse than not having one. Although, just because you have a soulmate, doesn't mean you have to meet them or have to be romantically involved with them. A lot of people just become friends with their soulmates, and some don't ever decide to be close with their soulmate. There are no consequences for not being romantically involved with your soulmate, and you can even be in a romantic relationship with someone who isn't your soulmate.

As mentioned, not everyone has a soulmate, but one young Harry Potter does. Even though he didn't grow up with his parents or magic, he still knows about soulmarks because they are something that every species has, even muggles. He knows his uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia are soulmates since he's seen glances of colour that have been revealed on their right shoulder blades. Other than that, he hasn't seen their whole marks, although if he had to guess, Vernon probably had a sickly skinny horse on his shoulder while Petunia has some sort of whale or some inflated puffer fish on her shoulder.

He knows Dudley doesn't have a soulmate that he knows of yet. Neither him nor Dudley had any sort of mark. Well, that was until he was about six. One morning in late November, Harry woke up to the banging on the cupboard door. He hadn't noticed anything strange, until he went upstairs to use the bathroom and get changed for the day. As he was brushing his teeth, he was examining his peculiarly quick growing hair in the mirror. Suddenly, as if she could read his mind, Petunia came barging into the bathroom without even knocking.

"Your wretched hair has grown back again! Sit!" She demanded as she dragged in a chair and told Harry to sit on the kids stool he was standing on to properly reach the sink. Dudley barely uses it anymore but Harry's still too short.

Harry hates getting his hair cut, it's one of his features that he knows looks like his dad. He knows that because Vernon had insulted it many times, saying how horrible it looked and how Harry deserved to inherit that feature from his father. Harry doesn't care how much it gets insulted, it helps him feel closer to his dad in a way and he doesn't like that Petunia insists on cutting it every few weeks, sometimes every few days, depending on how quickly it grows back.

Begrudgingly, he spit out his toothpaste before stepping down from the step-stool and scooting it to the center of the bathroom before sitting on it, back straight and head up tall, not wanting to get shouted at agoin for his poor posture. He heard the loud snips the scissors made and watched as clumps of dark brown hair fell to the floor. Suddenly, he heard his aunt gasp loudly before standing up and grabbing him with a bony hand, pulling him up too and holding him in front of the mirror.

"What is this!" She almost shrieked, scaring the six year old who had no idea what she was so angry about.

"I- I didn't do anything," Harry hurriedly mumbled, trying not to be in trouble, not wanting extra chores today.

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