Chapter Sixty Three

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Keith looked after the kids with the others and Veronica and Rachel were catching up on things since they haven't seen each other for a long time when they heard shouting and arguing outside the door down the hall "What in the name of the ancients?" Coran was confused and so was everyone else Rachel had a weird look on her face like she had a bad feeling "I have a bad feeling it's Luis causing the shouting" she said "What has that Estúpido done now" Veronica huffed and they went over to investigate and the doors opened, "I said don't touch me or I would knock your teeth in I'm not going through this again!" They caught Lance's voice yelling, "Lance?" Keith peered his head out of the door, his tail moving and his left ear twitching "I don't give a damn, I own you!" "You never fucking owned me! Never once! I only belong to Keith Kogane and he is not you!" 

Lance slapped Luis in the face "I said don't touch me!" Rachel and the others raced to the source and slid to a stop as Luis recovered and tried to manhandle Lance but Keith stopped him by pouncing in a growl "Just who the hell do you think you are touching my mate?!" he yelled in his face, his eyes piercing into Luis "Fuck off!" Lance had a bit of trouble calming his breathing but Cole and Mela took care of that while the others dealt with Luis. "Luis Juan Mcclain what the fuck?! You were warned the first damn time!" Veronica screamed in his face "Oh piss of bitch you were fucking gone for years you don't get to say shit" she glared and slapped him in the face harshly "Knock it off you brat! You are a god damn adult and you still can't treat anybody right? Huh? You have 2 kids for Christ's sake!" the two were arguing and Rachel shuddered, freaking Alphas were scary "Rachel isn't You idiot!" she yelled at him "Oh yeah? If she's not a damn Beta then what is she?!" he screamed back, Rachel frowned "An Omega" Lance paused "Rach? Your an......" she nodded with her head down, she had lied that she was a Beta and Veronica was the only one who knew now it was everyone. "An Omega? That's not my sister! I don't have any Omegan sisters!" Veronica slapped him again "Cut the shit! I'm sure she'd be better safe with Allura and Lance then the Mcclains!" she yelled "What is going on?" Admiral Sanda made her presence know by her demand, "You shut your mouth" Veronica hissed at Luis very, very coldly then turned to Admiral Sanda, "I don't suppose you have a room I could borrow because it just got very personal" she glared behind her at Luis who was still being held down by Keith. 

Cole stomped over to Luis and kicked him in the face "Cole!" Lance was worried Luis would attack him but what surprised him is when Cole spoke at Luis "Mean man! Leave my mama alone!" he yelled at him before stomping back to Lance and hugging him and burying his face in his neck, Mela babbled angrily at Luis and puffed her cheeks. "You have now angered a 3 year old and 7 month old, ¡Así te vas tonta!" Veronica yelled at him again, Nadia and Sylvio had no idea what was going on and Lance opened his arms to them "It's okay guys, come here" Sylvio grabbed Nadia by the hand and took her to Lance hugging him and feeling safe. "I want to know what's going on, explain while I take you there" she said as Veronica nodded, "Rach, I'm going to need you and Lance for this. Shiro can take care of Handling Luis and Keith can take the kids for a bit" Keith growled again at Luis "I am not leaving Lance around this asshole if I'm not there" he said "Then I'll take the kids with Hunk and Pidge's help" Allura offered "Fine. Kids, go with Allura, Lance, Rachel, Keith and Shiro come with me" Krolia opted to go with the kids and keep an eye on them and Coran followed after the others while Romelle went with Lance and the others to a different room. 

Luis struggled against both Keith and Shiro but they're grip on his arms was both firm and harsh, he pissed off some very protective people of the one and only Lance Altea. 

Pushing him into the room Shiro closed the door and Iverson went to observe through the one way window, Keith forced him to sit down in a chair as Lance and Rachel stayed near Shiro "Now explain what that was about now" Veronica went on to explain while bringing up bits and pieces of the past and Shiro and Keith looked more irked by the second and Lance looked uneasy about remembering being tortured nearly to death through his childhood and Luis is one of his major bullies when he was younger, even now at 19 he's still afraid of what Luis could do to him again.

Luis is beyond pissed with Lance and he's going to make it known to the Omega tenfold!



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