Chapter Forty Four ( small Smut)

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Allura got a chance to hold her niece, she was both small and was so adorable, she had brown skin, light green sickle marks, silver gray hair and Altean ears, she looked like Lance but she knew there was a Galran form somewhere. Lance was resting with Keith hugging him "She's so adorable" Pidge and Veronica fawned over Mela "I agree, if I was mistaken Lance probably named her after Allura and his's mother, Melenor" Coran said "The names are little similar" Allura admitted "Geez, first we have cinnamon roll Lance and now we have cinnamon roll Mela, I freaking love it" Veronica said as the others laughed at what she said.

Keith chuckled quietly at that and felt like dozing off with Lance since he stayed up training once again and helped Lance with Mela when she cried. 

Lance's mouth parted with a soft snore and he purred making Keith blush hard and the others to awe at Lance and laugh at Keith because of his blush. "Shut up!" he growled lowly at them while making sure not to wake up Lance "He purrs and you still can't stop blushing? I think not" Pidge grinned "He and Red both purr you tell me otherwise when they're purring at the same time" he retorted as she rolled her eyes still grinning. 

He glared through his blush and just pulled Lance closer to him and closed his eyes, as much as he likes his crew he loves his family more than them because they make fun of him from time to time, Allura set Mela down gently in the makeshift bed near Keith and Lance then she and Coran shooed everyone out of the room. He sighed, finally some peace and quiet with his mate and kid. He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, Mela's hand tried blindly to grab one of her parents fingers catching Keith's attention and let her grab ahold of his finger drifting off to sleep again in peace, he smiled he's getting used to being a father but really it's worth it. He loved Lance and would go scorched universe just to make sure he was alright and now he had another he swore he would protect. Lance shifted on him and groggily yawned and rubbed his eyes "Keef" Keith snorted through his nose "yeah Kitty?" Lance blushed as he turned his head and yawned again "Where's Mela" he looked at him as Keith gestured his eyes to his left and Lance peered over seeing his daughter holding Keith's finger, "Oh, I wish I had a camera this is adorable" he was looking between his daughter and mate with stars in his eyes as Keith blushed at how cute Lance was being.

"You cute ass male I swear" he dragged his arm over his eyes but Lance could still see the blush and laughed placing a kiss on his lips making Keith lift his arm a smidge "You know what," Lance raised an eyebrow as Keith sat up letting Mela release his finger then he watched as Keith stood up and picked up Mela then grabbed Lance's hand taking them out of the room "Eh? Keith, where are we going?" he asked walking with his boyfriend "You'll see" now he was confused.

Keith had a few good punishment plans for Lance for being so damn cute he feels like he's about to have a heart attack, walking up to the longue which was perfect since Veronica was using the area to work for a bit while she was staying with Voltron until she went back into the field with rebels they walked in as she looked up "Ah, what's up guys?" Keith pulled Lance with him and stood across from her "Could you watch Mela for a bit? Lance and I have some Business to get done" Lance tilted his head "What business?" he asked as Keith gave her a look that made her understand what business was actually. She suddenly had a grin on her face making Lance go from confused to worried still completely oblivious that his ass was about to get some love by Keith's known Demon stick. "Sure, I can keep an eye on her for a bit until your business is done" She took Mela from him and took her seat back on the couch as Lance squealed when Keith picked him up and he was dangling on his shoulder and then it clicked, and his face went blood cherry red. "No, no! Not the demon stick!" Veronica laughed behind a hand as Lance's squeals faded as they walked down the halls, reduced to snickers she picked up Mela "Your daddies are a comedy relief in my life" Seemingly awake Mela giggled at her aunt "Now we just wait for them to get done" Mela did a little cheer with raising her arms in the air making Veronica chuckle at her.

"You and your momma are so adorable" she nuzzled her nose with Mela getting a giggle out of her, time to spend some time with her niece. 

Keith practically tossed Lance on the bed and his knee was already in between his legs and his arms blocked his escape, "No, no demon stick!" he blushed "But you like this demon stick and it punishment for nearly giving me a heart attack of you being so damn adorable" he kissed Lance earning a moan and shifted his knee to rub and grind into Lance earning muffled moans as he slipped his tongue into his mouth. At this rate he may just say bu-bye to his walking ability, Keith slipped his hand into Lance's pants and his fingers tapped on Lance's member earning a squeak from Lance after they broke the kiss "Still shy after we've done it so many times?" he whispered into Lance's ear making him shudder "M-maybe..." Keith chuckled as his fingers wrapped around Lance's member and began to stroke, Lance gasped out a moan and his body trembled into anticipation he whined and hid his face embarrassed. "J-just do whatever you want!" Keith had a grin that Lance knew he was doomed, Oh crap his lower half was gonna be sore.




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