Chapter Fifty Six

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"Mela, come on, let go of Cole" Lance tried to gently pry his daughter from her brother but she was throwing a fuss, in a short time since they're first meet they've formed a very strong bond she was definitely stubborn like her father that's for sure. Cole pouted but didn't let go of Mela's hand, he likes his sister. Lance sighed "Hun, I need to give you a bath you can play with him again once your both washed up" the two kids whined and he groaned "Keith help me! The kids won't let each other go" Lance whined for his boyfriend who was helping everyone pack up the lions since they were going to part with Acxa for a while which at the moment still makes him pout. A war was a dangerous place for both friends and family but even more dangerous when there's children involved and those children happen to be royalty, Cole most definitely because his father was Lotor prince of the Galra and then there was him as his mother and prince to the Alteans, so yeah he was definitely royal both ways of two species and then there's Mela. She still royal yes because he was her mother but she was also a little bit Human because of Keith's Heritage. She's shown almost no signs of a Galra form but she did have the strength of a Galra that was for sure, so all in all, Altean genes might have just Mela herself. 

Keith walked in to see Lance trying to separate the kids to take a bath but as it showed he was having trouble, the who scene brough a chuckle to leave his lips "Why don't you just take both kids to get a bath?" he suggested as the trio paused at him "That........" Lance then thought about it and the kids looked a bit hopeful at the idea, he sighed head hanging "Fine, but when your older neither of you are taking a bath together I don't care how good your bond is, privacy is important and you are both different genders so come on" the kids cheered and Cole followed after Lance to the bath. Keith smiled and went back out to help load the lions with supplies "What he need help with again?" Pidge asked struggling in lifting a crate "The kids didn't want to separate to take bath so I suggested they take a bath with Lance, and they seemed happy with idea but he also told them they're not taking a bath together when they're older" she snickered "Privacy is important" Keith smirked "That's exactly what he said" and helped her with the crate, Allura overheard the conversation and smiled while hauling in some rations into Blue's cargo hold where everything else was. Coran had given Lance what was left of the castle and now it never leaves his neck. She was glad her brother was alright but she was curious on Cole since neither Acxa, Keith or even Lance will say where the little one came from as far as they were aware it was something Lance didn't like to talk about but it worried her a bit. She lost him once before when he was a newborn and then she lost him again when Shiro's clone took him, so she had the right to be worried about her brother who always seemed to be in danger at every turn. 

He seemed to always have a target on his back and she didn't like that.

Yes. He was accurately able to take care of himself but there are times such as when he's pregnant and or someone is genuinely targeting him like Yjok or what she might've overheard Lotor, the bloody fool played everyone when he was with Voltron. 

She set the crate down and went down the ramp to get another Shiro unfortunately had to sit out on helping with loading since he currently only had one arm so it would've made things complicated on him so he was told to rest and Lance couldn't help either since the kids didn't want to leave his side and he couldn't hold a huge crate and a child at the same time and those three were currently bathing at the moment so all the more reason to let them be. 

Lance once again got splashed in the face with water making the splash soak his hair over his eyes so he couldn't see all that well "Cole, one I can't see and two no fair" he pouted and used one of his hands to move his wet hair to see. The kids wouldn't get in the bath if he wasn't with them, Mela even in Cole's arms wouldn't get in and he made no moves either to get into the water so Lance obliged and got in with them Mela giggled when her small hands made little splashes and Cole was just playing with Lance's now soaked tail, god the kids love his tail and he's thankful they didn't pull on it for two reasons. One, he'll either produce a sound that is no where near appropriate for a 3 year old and seven month old to hear and Two, it'll cause him pain like a limb is being somewhat ripped off and that is to hell and back not pleasant.  

Cole smiled when Mela splashed him with some water and Lance was washing her hair, he chuckled at them they were adorable. 

"Alright come on scootch over so I can wash your hair bud" he placed Mela in a secure spot next to his leg so that she didn't slip into the water and she continued to play and Cole scootched over to his mother and Lance began to wash his hair with his thoughts wondering to the wolf, after the last meat he kept bringing it food with added meat and the two began to trust each other more forming a friendship with each small meeting together, he didn't want to leave it alone here if no one was going to be on this planet. He knew what it was like to be lonely, he felt that way when Veronica first died. He was alone in a house where he wasn't wanted and abused and raped on a basis, Rachel wasn't bad if he was honest they just never interacted with each other, yes she knew what he was going through regularly but she made no movements to stop it and he didn't expect her to because they weren't close by either orders or because they just didn't want to interact, he didn't know what the reason was but truth be told he does miss her a little bit. 

"Mama! Wa!" he snapped out of his thoughts and chuckled at his daughter when she splash Cole, making the soapy water begin to slip down his face "Close your eyes hunny, I don't want soap in your eyes" he did so and Lance began to rinse his hair, Keith came in and leaned against the made doorframe watching them, Mela caught his scent and looked in his direction beaming a smile "Ah! Mama wa!" she pointed towards Keith and Lance looked at where she was pointing, "Hi" he smiled and finished rinsing Cole's hair "You know, no one but me should be in the bath with you. Child or not" Lance's cheeks heated up and he glared at him non-heatedly bringing a smirk out of the male "There are children present mind your dirty thoughts" he chuckled and placed a kiss on the side of Lance's head "Not sure if I can do that Kitty" Lance squealed and splashed him with water that he somehow managed to avoid to not soak his clothes but his feet and the floor. "Keith!" he laughed and the kids giggled at the scene, of course they would find this funny. Lance loved his family.



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