Chapter Fifty Three

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The paladins landed in a rural area on a planet that was hidden between some moons, Mela was soon playing with Keith's tail when she was in his arms again giggling happily, "Remember, I'm not alone. My friend and his son are with me" she said as they went through the door and Cole went to greet her "Hi Cole" he smiled at her and looked to the guest, tilting his head curiously and Mela paused in her movements looking at him she made sounds and Cole hesitantly peered up at her "Do you want to see her?" Cole nodded a little and Keith bent down to his level letting the two look at each other. Cole poked her cheek and she grabbed his finger she giggled and he smiled a little "He's normally shy so this is new" they heard noises in a different area "Acxa, are you back and why did I hear giggling? Did you bring a child to meet Cole?" they looked as Lance entered the room with a crate in hand, his eyes widen when he saw the company "You're alive?" he asked in barely a whisper "Yes, they're alive" she said "But how? There was no signs of them anywhere almost everyone began to lose hope of their return" he said setting down the crate and Cole ran to him and did grabby hands he picked him up and placed him on his hip, his hair in a silver braid laying over his shoulder. "I'm sorry I think we're missing something, we were only gone for like a few weeks right?" Acxa and Lance shared a look before looking at Voltron as Keith stood up with Mela. 

"It wasn't weeks. It was 3 Decapheobs" 

Mela reached for Lance babbling "What is it hun?" her mouth was moving and sounds were leaving, her babbles became something of forming a word of sorts "Ma... Ma" Keith blinked "Mama? Hunny that's not your mom, we still need to find him" she puffed her cheeks and continued to reach for Lance, she remembered her mother's scent, she knows her mama and he's right in front of her. "Ma! Ma.. ma! Ma" Keith looked at Lance, he looked like him yes but he wasn't sure on the name "I think she wants you to hold her" Lance looked at Mela, was it really his little girl. "Ma!" Keith let Lance take her into his hands and she burst into squeals of happiness "Ma! Mama!" was it really his little Mel that he missed so much? "Mel?" she clapped her hands, her small body generating so much happiness Keith was worried she'll explode "Wait... Only us and... " they shared a look, "Keef?" his breathing faltered for a quick second and Lance burst into tears "Keith!" Keith quickly took him into his arms as he cried, Mela smiling and giggling and Cole peered curiously at them wondering who was holding his mom. "Never again are you leaving my sight you here me" he nodded, he was so happy he had his mate to hold hm again he couldn't stop crying. "Mama!" Lance looked at Mela "her first words?" he asked "yeah, who's the little guy?" Lance ushered Cole over to which he did and Mela smiled at him reaching for him "Cole, could you watch for a little bit next to aunty Acxa, and stay away from the fire" he pouted but Lance's look was stern "No, I don't want you to get burned. Okay promise me" he held out his pinky and Cole begrudgingly did the same with the promise. "Thank you" he handed her to him making sure he had a good hold on her before he waddled away next to Acxa with Mela. 

"I need to talk to you outside" Keith became concerned and they went outside wandering off away from the others. "Cole is Mela's brother" Keith frowned "How?" Lance rubbed his arm "Do you remember when I was taken by Shiro..." he nodded "That wasn't Shiro though it was a clone by Haggar. I had to cut his metal arm off to release him from her" his eyes widen, no wonder he didn't trust him! "That was a clone?! Then who came with you guys?!" Keith released a calming scent and he calmed a bit "That's Shiro, he was in Black's consciousness. I knew that when I saved him" Lance glanced to where Shiro was with Allura "So he's our real Shiro?" he nodded "he is" he was glad but felt bad for the man, he would have to talk to Black in a little bit. "Now where were you? We kept coming up with no leads and I nearly lost my mind" Lance had a distant look in his eyes as his hand went to Keith's face "Your Galra form... How?" Keith sighed, "My mom said it was due to stress that I started to turn Galra, I don't know how but I also have a tail" Lance looked down to see his tail and poked it with his other hand making him pull it away "No fair, I wanna touch it" he whined trying to go for his tail again but missed, Keith found it amusing how he tried to catch it but kept missing.

He pulled him up forward and Lance grumbled about it being unfair that he can't touch his tail and he chuckled before turning back to the question from before "But seriously where were you?" Lance clenched his hands and his body trembled a bit "Lotor. I remember hearing Haggar and then Lotor before I was stuck with him, Keith he..." Keith hugged Lance "Calm down, I've got you. Just tell me as best you can I'll be here" Lance whimpered "It was a repeat of what Yjok did, my body still doesn't feel like my own" Keith had one of the darkest death glares on his face he knew exactly what Lance meant. Lotor raped him. "And Cole is his?" Lance nodded "I'm sorry, I should have been stronger to just run away but.." he shushed him gently, Lance nor Cole were to blame for Lotor's actions. "He's dead now, don't worry" Lance looked at him "He is?" he nodded "How?" Keith huffed "Allura gave him all of Voltron's quintessence and essentially he died because of it" Lance shrunk from that, that's one brutal way to die. "I'm so glad you guys are alive" he hugged Keith tightly as his Alpha inhaled the scent of his Omega "Me too Kitty" 



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