Chapter Forty Eight

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3 weeks. 3 weeks since he's been kidnapped and no leads on his whereabouts, Lance was beginning to lose hope, it felt like he should just give up now maybe then he'd be free of pain but at what cost? He was falling back into old habits, flinching at he slightest loud noise, jerking away when touched, even his body still didn't feel the same of course. 

He didn't so much as move from his spot on the bed, Lotor wasn't in the room so he didn't bother moving when Lotor wasn't near him at like 1000 feet he had some of the tension in his shoulders faded but never left not even the fear left completely. His shoulder to bicep was bruised and had a few marks on it that looked close to spilling blood but he didn't move to investigate, his body too tired and hurting to even force his brain to even function. He blocked the sounds of the engine of the ship, the sounds of the ones outside the door and just everything around him in general, the doors behind him opened but he continued to block the sounds of footsteps, if Lotor wanted to kill him he should just do it already. A hand grabbed his shoulder, eyes shot open in fear and he jerked away scrambling until his back hit the wall and he looked breathing heavily at who grabbed his shoulder and it wasn't Lotor, it was one of his generals, Axca. 

Her stare may be stern and cold but he could tell she was surprised by the sudden action just by examining her eyes "W-what do you want, come to kill me?" she could tell his voice was raspy maybe due to yelling a lot or unuse maybe? She couldn't tell. Lance observed her while keeping his distance which wasn't much just about 30 feet from the wall to the other side of the bed, his eyes then landed on the medical supplies she seemed to have brought his eyes then looked at her confused "No I'm just doing as Lotor told me to do and fix your shoulder" he his hand unconsciously grabbed his arm as if he didn't believe her which a part of him didn't, he did scoff a little "Like hell that man wants me healed, go away, I can live with it" he said looking away from her "No, I'm doing as ordered, give me your arm" she said "No. Go away" he looked at her and glared a little, why let one his generals try and heal him, Lotor had gotten lucky on the 6th try when he raped him, now Lance was pregnant by his rapist again. The universe sure hated him that's for sure. Axca grabbed him by the arm and he tried to kick her but she just avoided his kicks and pulled him near her while grabbing the supplies she brought and began to treat his arm, she made him stay still as she worked leaving him no choice but to not move. He could feel the stinging sensation of whatever leaf she put on the wound and then he felt the wrapping of a bandage being tied tightly and securely at his bicep. Did she really just heal his shoulder?

Free to move now he backed away again to the wall and looked his shoulder "Don't touch it, I will return later with food" she gathered what remained of the supplies and turned and walked to the door before vanishing behind the metal leaving him alone in the room again. He did touch his shoulder feeling the bandages under his palm, this was a first, no one under his rapists hands had ever healed him, well Veronica did but she always did when he was hurt so why did Axca do that? His mind was in questioning and he could hear the heartbeat of the child in his stomach his hand went to his stomach, hm...... He was pregnant by Lotor's child and he bet Keith would never want him again if he saw he was pregnant but what about Mela, she was only a few months old would she even want a sibling this early? Would she even want him to still be her mother? He didn't know. He never did.

Doubts and insecurities were something he struggled with and often times reality had a real funny way of being mistaken for something completely different then what was on his thought process but it was there and it waited for the perfect moment to strike. It's how he remembers it anyway.

Letting his mind wander he had pretty much nothing to do, aside from trying to fight off Lotor's attempts and failing miserably each time, he felt as if strings were wrapped around his limbs forcing them to move in certain directions and do certain actions. He was a puppet stringed to the holder of the Puppeteer that was Lotor. It's all the same, Yjok and Lotor were the same, his rapists. Yjok his childhood tormentor and Lotor his forced producer of a child. If the chains had vanished when Yjok but never had left they surely have returned, his hand drifted to his neck, suffocating, taunting, owned. Repeat after repeat he's never safe, never free. He just wants to be free. He wants to go home. He wants his family, he wants to leave Lotor's restraints on him and go home. 

He let himself fall sideways on the bed and turned his back to the door looking at the wall, "Keith........"

"Take me home..... please......."

Just let him go home.



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