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×Angie POV×

I had tried to fall asleep again, this time without the music.
Didn't really seem to help me anyways.

I fell into another nightmare, only this time something woke me up.

A weight on my body.
A cold metal next to my throat. Suddenly I was fully awake, trying to get away.

"I wouldn't do that. Angel blade.", a deep voice hissed.

I blindly tapped the light next to me, looking up at Dean who had me pinned down on the mattress, an angel blade to my throat.

I went through a rollercoaster of emotions within seconds:

Fear because I didn't know who threatened me at first.
Instant relaxation when I recognized Dean's voice.
Conflicted feelings knowing he sat on top of me right now.
Then, finally fear again: Because why would he put a weapon that could actually kill me to my throat?

His green eyes were piercing me with rage and something I didn't recognize.

"Dean, that's not funny.", I said confused. How did he even manage to get inside the hotel room?

"No. No, it's not. Alastair came to see me.", he growled. His voice reserved, stern.

My eyes widened in shock.

"What? Are you okay? Did he do something to you?"
He must be possessed. But he had the anti-possession tattoo on him, there wasn't any way-

"Cut the crap. He told me everything."
The blade pressed a little too hard into my throat, making me bleed a little bit.

I knew that I shouldn't have withheld that I wanted Castiel to rescue Dean instead of me.

When Dean saw the guilt in my eyes, it was like something shattered inside of him.
Like everything he believed in was a lie.
It made him appear erratic and I wondered if he'd go so far to push the blade deeper.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you.
But Dean, you're scaring me.", I managed to whisper and he just frantically shook his head, I didn't even think he knew that he was doing it.

His blade on my throat was trembling.

From all the things I faught in my life, ghosts, shapeshifters, demons, ancient gods, djinns, hell even my own mom- the thought that it would be Dean who ended my life didn't cross my mind until now.

"What do you mean you're sorry!? You're working with Alastair.", he screamed at me and I didn't even have time to let those words sink in when he continued: "You fucked him and then decided to trick me!?"

My body reacted before I did, wrapping myself in an energy field powerful enough to shove Dean and the blade to the wall opposite to my bed.

Hot tears ran down my face and for a second I thought my airway was blocked, that I'd suffocate.

Dean believed that?
That I consented to being touched by Alastair?
That I enjoyed it?

Alastair had told Dean a bunch of lies. That wasn't actually that surprising.

What really got to me was that Dean fucking believed him.
He believed I was involved with Hells Greatest Torturer.

It took him one single conversation and he went straight back to seeing me as this heartless monster that he-

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