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×Dean POV×

From the moment I had first felt myself  attracted to Angie, I had hoped that one good "fuck" could relieve me from that tension.

I couldn't believe how wrong I was.
This night with her didn't even fit into the category of a hook up.
It was more intimate, better than I had ever imagined and I couldn't help but to feel like I didn't deserve the trust she had put in me.

Angie sighed softly next to me and my eyes darted up, seeing to check if she was awake but she wasn't.
This time she couldn't scold me for staring, so I just took my time to admire her beauty.

My attention quickly shifted to her body, only partly covered by the sheets.  Now that Angie wasn't in her usual oversized clothing, I could see her shape for the first time.

Her tiny waist was sculptured into a perfect hourglass, her back covered with her blonde strands.

She was skinny but I wouldn't suspect she'd be underweight by looking at her. Judging by her eating habits, Angie's angel side must've protected her body to hold onto it's reserves which was good but still, it wasn't psychologically healthy.

Her skin was already healed, no trace of my hickeys. Overall, her body was a complete contrast to mine. She was pale and without any scars.
I felt insecurity rising up in the depth of my heart, telling me that even her skin was perfect in comparison to mine.

I had so many injuries that didn't heal properly. My two crocked fingers only being the most obvious ones and I was covered in freckles on most body parts. Some were a little lighter but especially on my face, the back of my hands and on my chest you could see them sprinkled across my skin.

When I was younger I hoped they'd disappear with time, they did for a lot of people once they reached puberty but mine never left me.

What makes you think I want to fix you?

Angie really was too good to be true. She understood that deep down I felt broken but instead of trying to change that she accepted me exactly how I was.

I could've sworn when her eyes were glowing that golden shimmer it was like I was her favorite person in the world, her salvation. It was the most hypnotizing thing to watch in the entire universe.

It seemed crazy to me that she managed to share this intimate experience with someone like me. I replayed her desire to go rougher on her over and over in my head and still I couldn't get over the fact how hot that was.

Honestly, when she had asked me if I wanted to have sex I had been prepared for her to withdraw consent at every second but her 'stop' never came. I'd have to ask her if she just suppressed the fear or if it just hadn't been there in the first place.

Another penetrant knock at the door. I knew it was Sam and I didn't want Angie to wake up so I went over there, just in my boxers to at least let him know everything was fine.

"Dean.", he greeted me, but I signaled him not to speak too loudly.
Sam immediately connected the dots, I was probably looking like a love drunk idiot. He was peeking around the corner, seeing Angie inside the bed and her clothing distributed all over the room.

"Sooo...", he stretched and I let out a sigh.

"Yeah.", I just confirmed, trying not to sound too proud. There was no point in denying this anyways.

Destiny ~ Dean Winchester (Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now