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×Angie POV×

"This is not what it looks like.", Dean swore with a light smile on his face to diffuse the tension.
He probably didn't realize it made him look like a creep concidering the situation.

"Really? Cuz it looks like devil worship.", the man observed almost neutrally. I didn't exactly know if it was just the fear of this guy calling the police on us, the fear that this situation could easily escalate but I felt very uncomfortable.

"What? No, no. This is not uhm- devil worship, this is..", he held up his hand as if he was fishing for words in the air, looking at Sam and me for support.
Even struggling like an idiot, he was adorable.

"We are actually just shooting pictures for my final art project.", I jumped in for help, summoning a fake-smile which meant to appear as innocent as possible.

"Are you?", the man said teasingly.
His tone, the way he tilted his head made something in my stomach knot. All of the alarms inside my head went off, shrilling and hammering that we all were in danger.
I grabbed the blade, ready to fight.

"Whoa, whoa.", Sam exclaimed, not realizing what was going on.

"He's a demon.", I warned the both of them as they went into battle mode just as fast as I did two seconds ago.

"I'm the demon, Angelia.", the man corrected with a sinister smile. His iris rolled up, revealing his white eyes and confirming my worst suspicions.

"Alastair.", Dean figured out, swallowing audibly.
I didn't know if I wanted to cry or run but even if I did know, I wouldn't have been able to command my feet to walk anyways.

"Oh, your seriousness is hilarious. But I don't have time to chat.. Got a hot date with death. Don't feel neglected, Angelia, I'll come back to you one day."

I hated how weak I felt at his disgusting promise but I hated him even more.

"The fuck you will!", I screamed at Alastair and we started attacking each other with our powers. I was probably one second off, one blink too late because Dean got swooshed away, thrown into the air and hardly hitting the ground a few metres over.

I was able to shield Sam and I. The younger Winchester seemed to get that he was safer by my side, so he scooted over.

Somehow the collision of the two raw powers made sounds, like pure electricity ripping the air between the demon and us apart. Still, I could hear Alastairs ugly laugh over the ringing tone.

I managed to hold his attacks back like an equal arm wrestling.
Before hell I wouldn't have been able to access my powers like this which made me more confident we weren't loosing this battle for sure.

But we couldn't stay like this forever. Dean was probably hurt, maybe even needed a hospital and at some point either Alastair or me would get tired and I didn't want to play the odds against an ancient demon.

I had only one idea left in the back of my head.

"Sam, are you okay with me shooting some angel energy through you?", I asked him through clenched teeth.

His eyes searched mine, uncertainty manifesting in them. I wouldn't blame him if he declined, this was purely experimental and I was scared I'd hurt him accidentally.

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