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×Dean POV×

Angelia Suduca - deceased.

Every time I blinked I still saw the police information in front of me. Next to it a picture of Angie, laying in between white rose petals, blood all over her chest.

Her blonde hair was spread out exactly like that way when I wanted to thank her for the muffins and pinned her down on the bed.

To any other person her expression might've looked neutral, as if she was sleeping but I knew better: She never fully relaxed in her sleep.

This person on the picture was most definitely dead, my only hope was, that it just didn't capture Angie but something else. Something supernatural.

Everything hinted at that, all the other police information concerning Angie's case has been thoroughly sealed.
Classified information.

Sam said that I was in denial, that maybe the angels or Alastair had gotten to her. It wasn't the most controlled reaction but I had grabbed my brother by the shoulder, screaming at him that Angie wasn't just killed like that and most definitely not in a flower shop.

That was about the moment that Sam took a deep breath and suggested to contact the one thing that we knew about Angie: Which bank she used.

We had both seen her credit card on multiple occasions, so now we stormed into the next best location of this classy rich-people bank in America, the floors so white and clean you could eat off them and the receptionist, Julia looked up at us with absolute disgust.

We didn't fit in. I also didn't want to fit in, she should just tell us if her account has been dissolved.

"At least tell us if she's alive, we're really worried and-" Sam tried again but she interrupted him with a serious look on her face.

"Sorry sir, if you don't have anything at all to show me that you at least know Miss Suduca we can't do anything about this."
I didn't care about the professionalism in her voice, she had to fucking tell us what was going on.

I felt rage get the better of me.

"You better tell us right fucking now or you're gonna loose more than your job!", I growled at her, smacking my fist with a loud bang on the counter.
Julia flinched, then adjusted her turquoise glasses.

"Who- Who did you say you were again?", she said, her voice quiet like a mouse.
I was about to break her fucking glasses. Sam stretched his arm out, holding me back.

"Uhm, wait.", he muffled as if he suddenly remembered something. With the hand that wasn't holding me back, he searched for something in the depths of his bag.
"Dean here, he's her fiancé and he didn't hear from her in three days, because she went on her bachelorette party with her friends in England, then he heard from the police but they won't tell him anything, he's going crazy.."

My brother handed Julia a few pictures, which she slowly looked through, almost tearing up at the sight of them. What the fuck did Sam just show her? Was this some supernatural trick?

"Oh my God", she sobbed, looking up at me like she was seeing me in a completely different light.
Did she cry because she had to tell me Angie was dead?

"Please.", I said, my voice breaking, even if it was just this one word.
Julia cleared her throat.

"The firm thought she was dead too but Miss Suduca contacted us, saying it was a misunderstanding.", she croaked.

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