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×Dean POV×

As soon as I introduced myself, something changed. I couldn't quite figure out what exactly it was since the nephilim barely showed any facial expression. It was something in her eyes: Surprise? Or was it even fear?

If so, she was smart to fear me. I knew that Castiel wanted her to become an ally but I'd rather have this nephilim eliminated before she became a liability to us. This thing was sent to Hell, then probably endured torture that would've changed every persons character bone-deep and then crawled back out of Hell- accordingly to Cas without any help. I wanted this girl off the game before she decided to turn against us.

"Sam, Dean. This is Angelia.", Castiel finally spoke up.

"Angie.", she corrected him. She did it so quickly, it must've been a reflex.
Her name suited her.

Even though her face was really pale and she had bags under her eyes, she was undeniably pretty.
Her eyes were rimmed with long, thick lashes. I assumed she had long hair but I couldn't be sure since her blonde strands were tucked into the blue sweater she wore. All of her features fit together perfectly.

The only thing that automatically repelled me was the fact she broke the first seal. And a pretty face just couldn't excuse that. We should get whatever information we needed from her and then kill her- fast and clean.

Castiel already sat down in front of her, so Sam moved in Angie's directon to sit next to her.

"Get a chair.", she instructed immediately before he could even attempt to go any further. Looking at Sam's confused face, she added "Please." in a less harsh tone.

Nevertheless, I'd been her first instinct to bark at him, which told me everything I needed to know. Angie probably felt superior just because she was half angel. Too good to sit next to a human. Looks like her bad image suited her after all.

Sam didn't seem to question it though, he smoothly grabbed a chair from the table next to us and sat on the edge of our table, not mentioning the awkward situation again.
If he was hurt by her behavior, he didn't let it show.

Me being the last one to stand, I scooted next to Castiel on the booth. Angie seemed awfully still, like she would attack any second or do something completely crazy, like to start screaming.
And I knew too well where that restlessness came from.

Immediately I asked myself if I acted the same when I came back from Hell.
I quickly fought that thought back.
The nephilim and I weren't anything alike.

"How did you get out of Hell, Angelia?", Castiel asked straight forward.

Angie frowned, though I was not sure if it was because of the blunt question or because Cas casually continued to call her by her full name.

"That's not the question you wanna ask. More important is why.", she started plainly.
"When I was in.. Let's just say Alastair revealed to me that the seal breaking was intentional. That there was someone among the angels who wanted me to. Even the.. rescue mission was corrupted to keep me there."

"Who did he say it was?", Castiel wanted to know, his eyes shining with curiosity. He wasn't actually believing this?

"You're not surprised.", Angie remarked. And shit, she was right, Castiel didn't seem to be confronted with the idea that there was a traitor among the angels for the first time. This was something he already thought about. Which made me wonder why he kept it a secret from my Sam and me.

"I suspected the mission was currupted.", Cas admitted, but he was distracted by the waitress coming our way. Sam quickly signaled her that we currently didn't want to order anything.

Damn it, I really wanted breakfast or at least a coffee. The only one of us who already got something was Angie. Had it been Sam, I would have just grabbed his cup but Angie seemed to hold onto it like a lifeline, not even taking a sip.

"What do you mean? The mission was successful after all, I'm here."
I unnecessarily waved, just in case he'd forgotten.
"You told me a few angels didn't make it but I thought that was just another risk of you guys going to hell.", I repeated his own words.

It was clear I was missing some pieces here and by exchanging a confused look with Sam I knew he didn't understand either.

Cas opened his mouth to answer but Angie quickly interrupted him.
"Originally, I should've been saved too.", she forstalled him.
Even though I asked the question, her eyes were fixed on the angel.

She would've also been saved?
And there I thought I was special.
Jokes on me.

Although, if I were in her place, I'd be furious that someone else got out while I had to stay.
I tried to estimate if she was longing for revenge but I honestly couldn't tell.
Angie was calm.

Her whole attitude made me curious.
It was almost like she intentionally ignored me. Like she didn't want to look at me. Somehow I wanted to get a reaction out of her, push her buttons, just to see what would happen.

"Guess that wasn't necessary after all.", I mocked, earning a dirty look from Cas. But Angie continued to explain, seemingly unbothered.

"When I learned what the prophecy says, I knew I needed to escape hell. Especially because you needed to know that someone in heaven tries so hard to tip the scales for Lilith's advantage."

"What Prophecy?", Sam and I blurted out at the same time. Angie just looked at Castiel, expecting him to give us the briefing.

"The prophecy of Derkia is as old as the imprisonment of Lucifer itself. Roughly translated it already includes the warning about a heavenly human offspring who enters hell to break the first seal. But there's a second part which adds that the power of said offspring would later be required to either break hells bounds or seal hell itself. There's also a part missing.", Castiel revealed.

This made me question once again why anyone would even let it get this far. How did Angie end up in Hell in the first place?

"So the heavenly human offspring means a nephilim. Breaking hells bounds implicates freeing Lucifer. And sealing Hell itself? Does that mean what I think it does?", Sam asked, agitated.

"Yes, it does.", Cas confirmed.

"This doesn't add up. Why would Alastair tell you any of that?", I thought out loud. Me openly accusing her finally got a reaction out of Angie.

"To humiliate me.", she hissed.
"Saying that even Heaven wants to break Lucifer out and that it would be my fault.. he wanted to hurt me. Instead it was the last straw I needed to get me angry enough...", Angie trailed off, making it clear that she didn't want to specify on that matter.

That sounded a lot like Alastair.
Poking everywhere until he found the right spot that really hurt. I pushed back some unpleasant memories but I couldn't stop my stomach from twisting by the thought of his torture.

"He didn't reveal the name of the traitor.", Angie added to finally answer Castiels question.
"Which is why I wanted to meet you." She glanced at my brother and me. "Alone."

Okay, message received, she really didn't want us here.

"You don't trust the angels.", Sam concluded, giving Angie an understanding look. Of course.
She made it clear that she had no interest in being our ally and there he went being nice.
Sometimes his ability to show empathy amazed me.

"Castiel doesn't either, I assume." Angie avoided the question. "Otherwise he wouldn't have met me in the first place. And he definitely wouldn't prefer the company of hunters over his own kind."
Smart girl.

"How'd you know we were hunters?", I asked before I could hold myself back.

For the first time during this conversation, her facial expressions noticably changed. She tilted her head a little bit to the side and I could've sworn she even grinned a little bit.
"Takes one to know one."

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