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×Angie POV×

For the 34th time, I looked at the old clock on the wall.
Everything concerning this meeting was a red flag.
Maybe I shouldn't trust Castiel any more than all of the other angels. I wouldn't be here if I had any other option.

Alastair needed to be wiped off this universe once and for all.
If I withheld the information that I had, I'd not only betray myself, I would let humanity down.

I was a hunter, I had killed so many monsters, helped hundreds of people but this may be the most important mission of my life.

It was ironic, concidering I had been dead already. Doing this in the wrong order felt wrong.

If I wasn't so tired I would've laughed at the absurdity. This could actually be my last straw to crazy-ness.

I didn't feel like I belonged on earth anymore. Maybe my existence as a nephilim had been a threat, a flaw in the natural order before but now that I fought myself out of hell... The chances of me still being here weren't exactly existent.

Part of me expected someone, something to stop me from telling Castiel my information.
Heaven, the demons, God or even faith.

If anything, anything at all went wrong, I could just leave. I'd chosen the table I sat at upon various factors: You couldn't see me right away while entering the diner, whereas I could easily make out anyone. I'm also near to the kitchen which connected to an outside door - and also a basement. In the case of emergency I'd just make it look like a fled, when in reality I was still inside the diner.

To every ordinary person walking by I must seem normal and calm, sitting here with one hand on my coffee. What they don't know is, that the coffee is untouched, I'm very aware of my surroundings and I'm having my other hand on a blade.

Somehow it still felt like I brought a knive to a gun fight but in this short time I wasn't able to find an angel or demon blade. Preferably I'd want to have both. I was jittery ever since i came back, keeping the blade with me at all times, even when I showered or tried to sleep.

If Len was here, she'd say I was overthinking this, that not everyone's a threat.
That it was the aftershock of hell.
She wouldn't understand that there are creatures out there who just like to bring pain. Torture. For their own twisted excitement.

And in a twisted way I was really glad my sister would never be confronted with that realisation. Concidering I possibly brought Lucifer back to earth, it's for the best Len's in heaven.

I knew that for a fact, but still my eyes filled with tears at the thought of never seeing her again. Never hunting together again, never eating one of her bakery again. She had the biggest smile on earth, I was sure of that. All she ever wanted to do was helping people. Even in our last moments, she was so full of hope, so certain that it wasn't the end for me.

The bell of the diner rang again, someone entered. Every slight sound had me on high alert. I bet if someone waqs to measure my blood pressure right now I'd be hospitalized right away. There was a slight change in the air, a fresh wind coming through the door. I didn't dare to move, I stayed completely still like a deer in headlight. Castiel didn't come alone.

He was quickly followed by two men.

The one to his right was very tall and looked about my age. His hair was dark and shaggy, he had a gentle expression.

The man to Castiels left wasn't as tall but his posture revealed him as a warrior. He was broad shouldered and the leather jacket he wore did little to hide a fighters build. His hair was dirty blonde and short.

Whereas Castiel just looked directly at me, the other men were still scanning the diner. It seemed choreographed, like a routine because each one systematically searched his side of the diner. They must spend a lot of time together, that was already obvious. Normally, I'd guess they were brothers but they really didn't look alike.

Also they couldn't be angels, otherwise I would have felt it by now. Hunters, maybe.
Both of them noticed me almost in the same moment whereas Castiel was already waking towards me, determined and a serious expression upon his face. It was no issue at all to hold the angels intimidating stare, after all I hadn't expected any different but those other men...

When their eyes locked with mine, I felt even more uncomfortable.
If that was possible for that matter.
The two followed Castiel in unison while maintaining eye contact.

But I just looked at the one in the leather jacket. I didn't know what it was but he reminded me of someone. Like I'd met him before. It was strange because I'd remember for sure because he's.. in any other case I'd describe a man like this as attractive but that wouldn't quite cover it. He was truly beautiful.

This situation was probably seconds away from a fight and I couldn't even concentrate because of some random guy. This was most definitely not the moment to get distracted because of my hormones or whatever it was.

Psychologically speaking, I had to talk first, otherwise they were about to have the upper hand in the whole conversation. This wasn't fair, there were three of them and I was alone. A serious power distribution issue.

"Castiel. We agreed on meeting alone.", I forced out, careful to let my voice sound steady and confident.

Castiel just cleared his throat and to my surprise the tall one initiated the first contact instead.

"We were driving him so that the angels wouldn't locate him.", he quickly explained. This guy was clearly trying to be nice, to make it seem like Cas showing up with backup didn't inevitably mean a threat to me.
I couldn't be lulled into fake-safety even if I wanted to. Hell was always just one nightmare away, always right under my skin.

"I'm Sam Winchester.", he added, apparently realizing I wouldn't comment or even accept his excuse about the angels stalking on Castiel.

He held his hand right before my face.
I was still completely frozen in my pose: One hand still on the blade, the other on the coffee. God, I felt ridiculous.

His open attitude surprised me but even if I wanted to shake his hand, I physically couldn't. The thought of touching him, touching anyone at all would bring back literal Hell. And that's the last thing I wanted.
Sam stared another moment at me, if he was disappointed he didn't let it show.

The other one did, though. His green eyes were still pinned on me. His facial expressions didn't hide his disgust. He probably didn't think it would've been necessary to hide it.
I couldn't help but to think of my mom's expressions whenever I accidentally used my angelic powers. This man came awfully close to that.

"Well Sammy, I think the nephilim doesn't wanna play pretend."
The moment I heard his deep voice, my stomach dropped and I immediately remembered. I did know him.

God, how couldn't I make that connection sooner? Was I actually that sleep deprived?
After all it was only plausible: If the angel walzed in here with two random hunters, chances must be that one of them was Dean.

I didn't blink. Couldn't. I've never seen him this close. His features were strong, as if each held too much personality to be combined in such a way, to be combined in just one face.

I thought I'd never see him again. I always hoped he'd take the second chance and get a family and grow old because I for sure wouldn't have been able to if I would've gotten out of Hell in his place.
It was one of the many reasons why I told Castiel to leave me behind instead of Dean.

The longer I studied his face, especially his green eyes, the more it confirmed my suspicions.
Still, I needed to be sure.
I internally gathered together what was left of my braveness.
One heartbeat, two heartbeats...

"Who are you?", I managed to ask, finally breaking the eye contact and looking back at my - by now surely disgusting - coffee as if it was the most interesting thing I've seen in my entire life. 

When he'd say it out loud, and I was sure he would, I didn't want anyone to see the obvious emotions  on my face. My fingers slid along the familiar blade underneath the table, desperately trying to calm my racing heart down.

"Dean Winchester.", he answered, his voice dripped in open rejection towards me. This couldn't go worse.
Fuck me.

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