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×Angie POV×

The whole encounter with Alastair had pretty much created a huge dark cloud over all of our moods.
If I hadn't woken up in time, Pamela would've died because a demon tried to attack us all in our sleeps.

She even said to call Bobby singer and to curse him for ever introducing her to the Winchesters. Dean blamed himself for what almost happened to Pamela even though we all made our own decisions. The witch could've also declined our ask for help but nevertheless she had chosen on our own to get engaged in this fight.

Dean and I had a long and uncomfortable talk about Tessa and what he experienced in the hospital but the hard part was what he felt afterwards. Dean told me for one whole year he wouldn't have been mad if he died because he thought he was meant to. The weight of knowing his father sacrificed himself for him...

We also came upon the topic that I could relate because I've been at least that hopeless in the cave. That I felt like I wasn't worth to be rescued. Dean and I cried a lot and although we were functioning and living with those experiences, they were ugly and raw wounds within us that hadn't been treated yet.

All of my instincts wanted to put space between Dean and me after every sentence that was spoken but we both needed the confrontation, the confirmation that we related to each others feelings.
Him and I, we were both conditioned to never show weakness, so it was especially hard to admit we weren't alright.

Tessa also warned Dean that the angels didn't have the good intentions they were claiming to pursue. He also told me the reaper adviced him to trust his instincts when it came to me.

After that long conversation we both needed something to drink so we grabbed Sam and hit up the next bar. It was a fun night, a welcome change. Sometimes when he thought I wouldn't notice, Dean looked at me with such an intensity that I forgot how to breathe.

It was a shame work had caught up on us because in the bar people who had visited the local comic shop were talking about how they had witnessed supernatural signs: Light flickering and cold spots.

We decided to all check it out in the morning, but it would've been Lens birthday and I didn't feel well about that. Sam and Dean knew something was going on but I didn't want to bother them since they really couldn't change anything about my sister's death.
I told them to go to the comic shop themselves.

When they came back, they told me something I wasn't expecting at all. A book series was published about their life's: Supernatural by Carver Edlund.

They had brought all the copies they could get their hands on and we started reading. Dean was a slow reader, laying next to me on the bed as if he planned on scanning all through the books however long it might take him.

I had already progressed from the whole John-situation to the more interesting pages.

The hunter just wanted to bury his huge member into sweet paradise but he hadn't decided which of the sisters he wanted to take first.

"This is freaking insane. How's this guy know all this stuff?", Dean wanted to know in horror but I was too damn focused on the chapter in front of me. My imagination was running wild, full-well knowing everything had happened exactly how it was described in here.
I couldn't decide if I was getting horny or traumatized.

Dean ripped her panties apart, carelessly putting her into a position in which he didn't only have access to her sister's full breasts but also...

"Everything is in here. I mean everything. From the racist truck to..."

I swallowed audibly and nibbled on my finger nails to calm me down.

Destiny ~ Dean Winchester (Love Story) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora