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×Angie POV×

"Just don't cut off too much, okay?", Sam reminded me for the third time already, moving away from the scissors.
Jesus, this boy was picky with his hairstyle.

Dean didn't even care what I wanted to do with his hair, he just told me to make it look presentable.
His brother was different though.
I reached for his chin, tilting his head in place again. If he wouldn't stop moving, he'd cause me to cut off too much himself.

"Sam, I like your hair as it is. I have no intention of ruining it.", I reasoned with him, just trimming the edges.
It wasn't a lie, I loved his floppy hair. The length suited him, although it was rather uncommon style.

"Sorry, I know. It's just that Dad always promised to keep it long but he didn't. Had all kinds of excuses, that he slipped, that someone could grab it during a hunt,..", Sam started listing, but the rest of the sentence seemed to get stuck in his throat.

When I looked up, there was a man standing in the middle of our motel. Instinctively, I grabbed the scissors tighter, ready to stab him but I calmed down once I felt his energy: It was an angel.

"Uhm, Dean?", Sam yelled to get Dean's attention who was probably shaving his beard in the bathroom.

"There's an angel in our motel.", I added to get him to speed up.

"Ah, has that flying dick decided to grace us with his presence..?"

"I am not Castiel.", the man stated.

Dean looked around the corner, his expressions surprised when he looked at the angel. He knew him.

"Zachariah.", Dean said, slightly nodding while he simultaneously kept walking to build himself up before Sam and me.
It was a protective posture and I knew immediately Dean shared my exact thoughts: The angels wanted me.

Since they decided to get me out of hell, even though their attempt failed, I figured they had stopped trying to kill me. That they weren't after me anymore.

Now, I wasn't so sure. Maybe they wanted to use me for something else now, there was always a catch.
And I'd have to be prepared for whatever it was.

"Dean Winchester, I'm here because of Heavens orders. I'm instructed to keep you safe, there are demons specifically after you.", Zachariah let us know. His face open and forcefully happy.

Ironically, that I wasn't prepared for.

"Absolutely not.", I disagreed, grabbing Dean's hand. His fingers interlocked with mine as if we had been doing it for years.

"I'm deeply hurt, Angelia. You don't trust your own kind?", Zachariah wanted to know, almost amused at the sight of Dean and I inching closer together.

"You are not my kind.", I spat out, hating how much rage I already felt. Why couldn't they have sent Castiel?

"Now, that's simply not true. We are one family, after all. You're my niece, some would say.", the angel proclaimed as if I should be relieved or grateful. Fucking hypocrites, those angels.

"I guess my invite for the family dinners got lost then. Or maybe your informants forgot while they tried to kill me..."

"You were so young back then, we didn't even know of your destiny.", Zachariah appeased.
Sam next to us huffed at the angels absurd logic.

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