You Know The Drill

Start from the beginning

Glo: omg swelter and glacuis, the hero twins. I can't believe I'm in the presence of you two

Glacuis: the feeling is mutual, as we have seen your skill and I must say we are impressed

Swelter: in the lamens term, you are on our good side.

Glo: oh thank you, wait, you were with shredz, can you tell me what has happened

Glacuis: sorry but we are as stumped as you young one, Shredz has been lying to all of us.

Swelter: should've been obvious, I mean he looked evil, guess you can't trust a person who wears a giant heart

Glacuis: yes first miss heed with hypnotizing hero and villains, now shredz

Glo: yeah

Glacuis: but enough of that, we are pleased to announce you'll be joining us, along with other sidekicks.

Glo: I am happy to accept.

Swelter: good now follow us

They leave the room.

Swelter: I can't believe she fell for that. Why are letting her tag along?

Glacuis: patience brother, you know the saying. To catch a Bear, use honey

Glacuis laughs followed by his brother.

-Hat Manor

The scene transit to the manor. We see shredz trying to sneak into the garage. He slowly opens the door but sees Leroy standing there, he shakes his head no as shredz closed the door. He tries the window, when he reaches it he sees Leroy eyeing him. Shredz walks past it. Shredz is seen crawling through the vents. He reached the garage. He's moved the vent when he is tapped on the head. He looks up and sees Leroy, slurping a soda.

Shredz: oh come on, you know you can be annoying when you're not even trying

Leroy nods as shredz crawls backward in anger. In the living room, we see demencia and Flug. Shredz walks in annoyed.

Flug: you tried getting into the garage.

Shredz: yep

Flug: must be big because Blackhat is the only one who can enter. I tried and well Leroy wasn't so nice.[lifts his arm to show teeth]

Shredz: please he does that to everyone

Flug: not this.[turns around showing more teeth]

Shredz: yep that's more like it

Demencia: I tried and Ridley said no



Shredz: and?

Demencia: and what

Shredz: did you even try anything else

Demencia: nope

Flug: so just because he said no you didn't barge in like your usual self

Demencia: yep

Shredz: what is wrong with you

Demencia shrugs. Then Ridley walks into the room.

Ridley: guys we just got a mission

Flug: what is it

Ridley: bank heist, you three need to head out, I'm busy

Demencia: dibs on taking Jade Mamba

Shredz: if we're taking your motorcycle then I call backseat

Flug: no fair I want it, plus I outrank you

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