Chapter 50: The Start Of Something More

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(Hello There.... /ref - A/N)

*1 week later*




*Balloon's P.O.V*

I'm beginning to feel more comfortable around everyone.

It's nice not having to constantly worry about my insecurities getting the best of me.

Sure I have the bad days, but I can always count on Trophy and Suitcase to make me feel better.

Having 1 arm still feels weird, but I'm slowly getting used to it. But, It's hard to not see it everyday.

Like, I really want to do things! But I can't! Because most things require 2 arms!

I don't like asking for help. It makes me feel too dependent on others. Trophy knows this all to well.

Because he's right here next to me helping me bake. Yea I'm baking. I just felt like it today.

I'm making sugar cookies because I wanted some. Trophy is rolling out the dough while I was looking for some cookie cutters.

"Hey I found some!", I shout.

"Nice! What kind are they?", Trophy asked.

"Hmm.... It looks like generic shapes. Hearts, stars, circles, some flowers.", I say.

"Cool. Grab the flower ones! We have anything to decorate the cookies with?", he asks.

"I think we do. We should have some cookie frosting and gel we could use.", I say.

"Let's do it then! I'm almost done rolling this out.", he explained.

"Okay! I'll go look for some!", I shout.

"Alright little buddy!", he says.

I bring out the flower cookie cutters and head to the cabinets. Okay... Frosting. Where would OJ put it..

Man, this thing is huge. How am I going to find the frosting here?

"Hey I'm done here. Want me to cut them out?", Trophy asks.

"Yea if you want! I'm still searching for the frosting.", I say.

"Okay! I'll leave some for you. I know you like cutting them out.", he chuckles.

"Thanks bro!", I thanked.

"No problem.", he says.

Okay. Now where the hell is the frosting!? Ugh! I can't find it!

I bang my head on the door in frustration. I don't want to ask for help. Trophy's doing so much for me anyways.

"Hey! What's going on in here?", I hear a voice.

I look over and see Paintbrush and Lightbulb entering. They were holding hands, which was cute.

"Oh hey you two. Balloon and I are making cookies.", Trophy states.

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