Chapter 35: Holy Shit-

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*Balloon's P.O.V*

I saw Taco run off so she can get the thing she needs from TestTube's lab.

While she did that, I crawled to safety near some trees. I most definitely twisted my ankle tripping over that huge rock.

It doesn't help that I sprained the same ankle when I jumped down from the tree when Taco fell eariler. I did my best to hide that pain, but I knew I was going to break.

*sigh* My ankle hurts, but I can't sit still, the bear could pop up at any second. I know I shouldn't be standing, but I'm not going to get anywhere if I continue to crawl.

I get close to a tree, and start to pull myself up so I can stand. 

"Ngh-...", I grunt in pain.

I do my best to shake off the pain, but it proved very little success. I start to limp deeper into the forest so I can find some sort of shelter.


I look back and I see the mama bear. Oh shit! I hope she doesn't-

She's running right towards me! OH FUCK!!!

Panic and fear sets in and I do my best to run. I'm in so much pain, but I just have to run. I have no idea where I'm going, I just have to run.

'Taco.... please hurry!! I can't run forever!'




*Taco's P.O.V*

I heard a distant roar of what could only have been the bear. 

I run faster, despite my growing exhaustion. The vending machine should be around here somewhere!!

The more I ran, the more panic and worry creep on me as I grew closer to my destination. I see an open area and grew hopeful.

Once I'm out of the forest, I look frantically around me as I kept running. Nothing but emptiness still surrounds me.

'FUCKING HELL! WHERE IS THAT VENDING MACHINE!?', I yell angrily at myself.

I keep running until I see shiny red! HOLY FUCK! I FOUND IT! I use the last of my stamina and run towards the vending machine.

I stop ot catch my breath. I breath very heavily as I catch my breath. Once I feel a bit bettter, I was going to open the thing when i heard something.

Shoot! somebody is coming up! I activate my bow and hide behind the machine. As I do, the hatch opens and I see Mepad and TestTube come out. Huh?

"Alrighty! The testing is done. I'll have the results by tomorrow. For now, you can hangout at the hotel.", TestTube says.

"Okay. I will head back then. Are you coming?", Mepad asked.

"I would, but I'm busy with some stuff. I'll be there later! Tell OJ the results will be back later.", TestTube says.

"Of course. I'll see you later TestTube.", Mepad says.

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