Chapter 40: The Visit

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*Mepad's P.O.V*

"He's awake Mepad.", Taco says over the phone.

Balloon is awake?!

Oh my, this is great news!

"He is?", I ask with 'glee'.

"Yeah. He's awake.", she confirms.

"That's great news! Should I tell the others?", I ask.

"No. Let the doctor do that.", she says.

Still being secretive huh? I can't blame her for that.

"Alright. What is he doing now?", I ask.

"He's watching some TV. I have no clue as to what it is though.", she explained.

"It's called Power Rangers Taco! It's a really cool show! Also, who are you talking to?", I hear a high pitched voice call out.

Balloon really is awake. I'm so happy; even though I can't express emotions.

"Thanks for that clarification Loon. Also, I'm talking to Mepad.", she answers.

"Oh? Okay! Can you tell him I said 'hi'?", he asks.

"I can hear him actually.", I but in.

"Wait. You can hear Balloon?", Taco asks.

"Yea. Can you bring the phone closer?", I asked.

"Sure! Hang on.", she says.

"Loon! Mepad can hear ya. Say hi.", she tells him.

"He can? Hi Mepad!", he says.

"Hello Balloon. It's nice to hear you again.", I say.

"It's nice to hear you too. I miss you.", he says.

"I miss you as well.", I say.

"How's Ash? Is he being a good little boy?", he asks with worry.

"Don't worry Balloon. Ash is fine. He is a good little boy and getting along with everyone here well.", I answer.

"That's good! I wish I could see him.", he says a little upset.

"Do not worry. You will soon. Until then, Ash will be okay.", I tell him.

"Thanks Mepad. You're a great babysitter.", he thanks.

"You are too kind. Thank you.", I thank.

"Alright. I gotta go. See you later Mepad.", Taco says.

"Bye Mepad!", Balloon calls out.

"Good-bye. I will see you later.", I say.

I hang up the phone and put it up. I'm glad Balloon is okay, and awake at last.

Getting up from the ground, I begin to walk inside. I like hanging outside, it's very peaceful.

I need to leave soon to head to the store. I promised Taco to bring games over to the hospital. I need to find some fun ones for the two of them.

I head inside the hotel and see everyone doing their normal things. Pickle and Knife are playing video games. (gayly).

Soap is doing a bit of cleaning. The Cherries are being kids and playing around. Cheesy, um.... Well, he's trying to think of puns... I think.

Why Stay When No one Cares?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora