Chapter 23: The Confession

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(*Warning! Contains PayJay! And gayness! If you don't support or just feel uncomfortable. Please leave, or read and don't leave any rude remarks! Thank you!*)

*Timeskip: 1 month after ep. 13*

*Loctation: Hotel OJ*




*OJ's P.O.V*

It's been almost 2 whole months since Balloon has left. Things here have been going alright, but I can tell that everyone was still on edge.

Not only was everyone still on edge, but I could tell that everyone was starting to loose hope of EVER finding Balloon. Myself included, but I have to keep the spirits up, for everyone's sakes.

Right now, I'm in the kitchen cooking some breakfast. Paper wasn't with me right now, but that's okay. He hasn't been sleeping right these past few days, so I'm allowing him to sleep in. 

Speaking of, my problem about daydreaming about Paper was getting worse so I went to Pickle a few weeks ago and yea. I have a huge crush on Paper. I have no clue what to do!

On top of this, Salt is getting even more annoying. She was CONSTANTLY trying to get me to date her! Leaving me lame gifts, leaving me super obvious anonymous love letters, it was getting really frustrating.

I have no fucking feelings for her! Sure. I might be bisexual, but I have a prefrance for men, like Paper. He's super cute, caring, and-

Ugh. There I go fantasing about him again! Why do I keep doing that!? God, I'm going to go mad if I keep doing this.

I had also asked Pickle what I should do about my crush, and he said to ask him out. HOW EXACTLY DO I ASK PAPER OUT!? What do I even do!?

Okay. I need to calm down, otherwise I'm either going to burn breakfast, or burn myself.

I take a deep breath and calm down. Finally feeling calmer, I focus back on making some breakfast. I'm making pancakes and eggs today!

And just because I can, I'm making choices for everyone. I have regular pancakes, banana pancakes, strawberry pancakes, and chocolate chip pancakes. I know I'm not going to eat the chocolate chips ones, I don't like chocolate.

I'm working on the strawberry pancakes now, all the other pancakes were done. Once I finish with these, I'm gonna work on the eggs.

As I'm working, my mind somehow wonders back to Paper. Gosh, I want to take him out so bad. Go on cute dates, cuddle up when he gets upset, and more. What do I do?

I guess I'll have to do what Pickle told me to do, which was to ask him out. Now, how exactly do I do that? Maybe I could give him a note so we can meet in private? That could work!

What do I give him though? Some flowers? Nah, to cliche. How about a cute teddy? Nope, to childish. I know! I'll give him a single flower. If I gave him a bunch of flowers, that would be weird, but a single flower would be fine.

I just need to figure out his favorite type of flower. Maybe I could ask Knife, he and Paper are close! I'll ask him after breakfast what Paper's favorite flower is.

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