Chapter 37: Hosptial Again

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*A few minutes before the ambulance came*




*Dr. Fizz's P.O.V*

I was working in the Emergency area of the hospital again. It was rather quiet today, so I spent  time talking to patients and checking in on my brother.

There has been no word of Balloon still. I'm so worried for my son. It's been a little over a year since he's been gone.

I do know he's at least okay. I see he uses his money now, so I can still send money to him. So, he's doing something with it, and good things too!

I just he's okay out there. Balloon means so much too me. I would be so devisated if something bad happened to-

"DOCTOR FIZZ!", I hear Nurse Frame yell.

She sounds very frantick, I wonder why. I better calm her down first, so she doesn't freak anyone out.

"Yes Nurse Frame? Is everything okay?", I asked in a calm voice.

"An ambulance arrived! They say it's an emergency! A really bad one!", she shouts.

"Oh? An emergency ambulance? Oh goodness.", I gasp.

I'm sure they're going to need all hands on deck for this. Luckily I'm here to help!

"Can you take me to the ambulance?", I asked.

"Of course! They asked for you specifically.", she said.

Me specifically? Oh, I didn't know I was going to be needed that badly.

"Alright Ms. Frame. Lead the way.", I say.

"Okay! I must warn you though. They said it wasn't going to be a pretty sight for you.", she said cautiously.

"Um. Why is that?", I asked cautiously.

"W-well... um. I-... You'll just have to go see for yourself.", she stammered.

"Alright.", I replied.

Nurse Frame walks as I follow her to the front of the ER lobby. While making our way there, I couldn't help but worry.

'Why me specifically? And why was it going to hurt me?', I thought to myself.

I kept thinking about worst case senarios. Most of them, being another person at risk of death. I didn't even want to think about Balloon during this.

Balloon has to be okay. He just has to be! There's no way Balloon was going to be the one in that ambulance.

After all, there was no word from police that they had found-

"*Ring*" "*Ring*"

Oh. My phone is ringing. I pull out my phone and see the number...

It was the police.

I answer the phone and put it up to my ear.

"Hello this is Dr. Fizz. How may I help you?", I greet.

"Good evening. You are Dr. Fizz correct.", the police asked.

Why Stay When No one Cares?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora