Chapter 12: Friends, Perhaps?

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*Taco's P.O.V*

I just finished talking to Mic via our headset. *Sigh* Lying again. Meh. It's for Balloon's fucking sake.

Speaking of him, I should see if he- Oh. Damn..... He's asleep. Huh. Maybe the whole event at the cliff made him exhausted. 

I walk up to him and he's slumped up against the tree. He's sound asleep. He doesn't snore at all, just breaths in a soothing way..... It's sort of cute. And NOT in a romantic way you damn shippers.

'What do I do with him though?', I asked myself.

I don't want to leave him here. I'm suppose to meet with Mic today at 12 am. Like we do every Friday/Saturday..... Hmmmm....

'I could take him to my cabin. Sure, it's a little messy.... I'm sure he wouldn't mind tho.', I suggested to myself.

Not a terrible idea. It's better than leaving him here and have Mic see him. Eh. Fuck it. I'll take him to the cabin, it's not too far.

I carefully pick him up. I'm going to be honest. I expected Balloon to be a little heavier, being that he was chunky. But to my surprise.... He was light. Something was definitely wrong with him.

I'll worry about that later. I start to head back to my cabin just north of the open area. It's only about 10 minutes from there to here, so it shouldn't take me too long to get there.

Like I said. Only takes 10 minutes. I'm here at the cabin already. I open the door as I also try to keep Balloon in my arms and not drop him. Ah-ha! I got it open!

I head inside the hut. The first thing you see when entering.... was a mess. Yikes. Was I this messy? Oh well. I'll clean tomorrow.

The cabin has 4 rooms. A living room, a kitchen, a restroom and a bedroom. I put Balloon on the couch that was in the living room. What? Just cause Balloon is going to stay with me doesn't mean he gets the fucking bed! I fucking stole that bed for myself!

After I lay Balloon down, I race out of the cabin. I'm heading back to the open area to grab Balloon's belongings and the blanket and pillow I stole. If you're wondering where exactly I stole the 2 things from..... I stole it from Hotel OJ.

Yea. It was fucking risky. But it was super worth it! They have a storage closet full of extra blankets and pillows they aren't even using! Sure, I could've asked Mic to give me the items....

However, we already had an agreement. Every beginning of the month, Mic would get me food the would last that month and nothing more. So, I couldn't really ask for anything else. I had to get a little creative when sneaking into the hotel. 

It was rather nice inside when I broke in. Too much orange in my personal opinion, but what can you do? Anyways, that's where I got the blanket and pillow for Balloon. Speaking of, I grabbed everything that was left behind and went back.

Once there, I open the door, went in and put Balloon's stuff down near the small coffee table. I pick his head up, gently, and put the pillow underneath his head. I rest his head on the pillow, finally, I throw the blanket over his body. 

There. He looks comfortable enough. Now. What time is it? .... Damn. I have no watch or clock. Need to steal one soon. I see that Balloon has a standard watch on his left arm. Nice! I take a look.....

10:50 pm. Good. I still have time before I meet up with Mic. .... But what do I do now? I don't have much entertainment....... *gasp* I have an idea!

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