Chapter 26: Back Tracking

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So. It has come to my attention that we've haven't seen the residents at the hotel in a while. Not much has happened, but... you deserve to know!

Let me grab something real quick. Also, this isn't forth wall breaking, incase you were wondering!

*Grabs the important item*

Okay! I got it. Alrighty then!

Let's go back in time! To see what things we've missed since we've last seen the hotel residents!




{Initiating Time Travel}




{Time Travel Success}




{Estimated Time Jumped: 3 weeks ago}




{Newest Episode: E.P 13}




{Starting Story}








*Paper's P.O.V*

Man. Even with Balloon gone, there have been some good things happening in the hotel!

The mood was still bleak, but spirits were being lifted, little by little. And I couldn't be more relived.

Other than me and OJ becoming boyfriends, some other good things have happened!

For instance, Knife and Pickle got together; duh. Paintbrush and Lightbulb recently got together, Lightbulb came crashing into the hotel one day and shouted that they were going on a date...

Yin-Yang; mainly Yang actually; are slowly becoming less chaotic. The Cherry twins are getting some education in and are learning how to express themselves without the pranks.

Pickle himself is is becoming more active, which is awesome! Bomb is going to a thearpist for his stuttering. He's improved a little bit, which everyone is super proud of!

With every good, however, there are bond to be bad still. The bad isn't as bad as you think however!

Fan was the most recent one eliminated and he looked so upset. Paintbrush, took it upon themselves to make him feel better. He and TestTube got into a fight and he was bummed about it.

Tissues was getting a little worse for wear, so OJ made him have his own room. Trophy was estatic about it, and now shares a room with Cheesy; like some cliche fanfic from Wattpad.

Speaking of Trophy. He was... Well.. a mix of good things and bad things.

He was working on his Anorexia, which I think is going smoothly. Still has trouble eating on certain days, but he's eating more than before.

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