Chapter 4: Thoughts and Pain

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*Mention of cuts!*

*Paper's P.O.V*

I open my eyes and sit up from my bed. I let out a long yawn, I'm kinda tired. I take a look to my right to see OJ still asleep. I smile, 'Cute', I think to myself. I blush at that sudden thought.

Why am I thinking like this!? I mean, I know I'm gay, I've known that since highschool. But... Having these thoughts about OJ, my BEST FRIEND of all people?!

Best friend... My smile turned into a small frown. Why did saying that OJ was my best friend hurt? I don't like him like that.... do I?

I shake my head. Now is not the time to question my relationship with OJ or have a gay attack about OJ and his cute little snores and-

I shake my head again.... Ugh, I need to stop thinking right now before I die of my own embarrassment. I get from bed and head to the restroom to freshen up. I take a look at my face and see that I'm still a little red.

I splash water on myself to calm my gay face. I don't curse, so don't judge or tempt me. I style my hair into a nice low ponytail. 

Feeling better, I leave the restroom and head back to the room. I need to begin making breakfast for the residents here. So, I put on some casual clothing and make my way down to the kitchen. Me, OJ and a few others live on the 2nd floor, so it doesn't take long to get to the first floor with the stairs.

I make to the kitchen and put on a nice light blue apron and grab waffle/pancake mix, water, eggs, milk, butter, and bacon to prep and cook. A nice simple pancake and egg breakfast sounds nice. I begin making the pancake batter.

I make a small mess making the batter, but it's fine, I'll clean it after I'm done with everything. I grab a skillet to start cooking the pancakes. I let the pan heat up and prep the eggs. Making them scrambled since it's the simplest to make. I put butter on the skillet and poured some batter on it.

As the 1st pancake cooks, I'm making the scrambled eggs on a second pan. Multitasking people! The pancake gets flipped so the other side can cook, the eggs are looking great as well. It takes a good while, but I eventually made enough pancakes and finished making the eggs. I put them aside on a plate and start on the bacon.

The bacon is sizzling nicely as I hear somebody come in. I turn my head and I see.... Balloon? Huh, didn't know he wakes up this early... Might as well start some small talk!

I don't care if OJ thinks Balloon is untrustworthy. Something was clearly wrong with Balloon and I'm going to try and help! Balloon is still a guest in the hotel, and it's my duty to-

Hold that thought...I smell slight burning...


*Balloon's P.O.V*

I woke up at 11 pm yesterday and COULD NOT fall back asleep. Needless to say, I'm pretty fucking tired. I was walking to the kitchen and smelled food.

Someone was in there, and it was Paper. I hope he didn't see me... I'm just going to grab a bowl of dry ceral. I feel eyes some eyes on me...

I glance behind me and saw Paper looking at me, damn it. I try not to look at him when I smelt burning. Oh, Paper almost burnt some bacon, that's kinda funny.

I silently giggled as Paper paniked to get the bacon off the skillet before they were completely burned. I went ahead and poured the cereal I had in my hand into a foam bowl. 

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