Chapter 16: Nighttime Talks

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*warning! acts of self harm!*

*Timeskip: 6 days*


*Balloon's P.O.V*

It's been about 6 days since I've decided to stay with Taco.... and....

It's really nice so far!

I never thought I'd be saying this about somebody who used to be evil....

But... I'm glad I have Taco as a friend!

Sure, she steals and does evil things.... but,

She's proven herself to be a really nice friend.

Right now, Taco is out just taking a nighttime walk. Meanwhile, I'm just chilling out in Taco's cabin. It's quite cosy in here...

Nothing much has happened these past few days. I've gone out for a few afternoon walks, which were nice.

I almost.... ALMOST..... got spotted twice during these walks... hehe.... that would've sucked honestly....

First time, I was almost caught by Baseball and Nickel. I was walking near some bushes and tripped on a branch, falling in a bush. It made a noise obviously and it alerted Nickel. 

I was lucky enough to not be caught. However, I got a few small cuts on my arms and face when that happened. It was a good thing both me and Taco had first aid kits.

That was 5 days ago when that happened. The second time happened a few hours ago actually.... still embarrased about it...




I was walking along the forest, taking in the scenery around me. I could hear the birds chirpping and I could feel the wind in my hair.

It was a very peacuful walk. I had been out here for about 2 hours now. I think I'll stay here for another hour.... I don't want to risk the chance of getting caught.

So, that's what I did. I stayed out here in the forest for another hour. Man! It's so nice out! I'm glad I'm wearing a shirt and not my usual sweaters.

I only really wear sweaters to..... to hide my scars. The self inflicting scars I made everytime I got that urge........ I don't like wearing short sleeves because it shows my scars...

I'm.... I'm ashamed of them.... Everytime I look at them... I'm reminded of all the pain and hurt I've been through.... I hate them.... yet... it's a part of me now.

*sigh* .... Let's now think about this for now..... I'm trying to enjoy my walk! Oh wait.... I need to head back to the cabin!

'Shoot! Taco might get a little worried if I'm back!', I thought to myself.

I begin heading in the direction of the open area. I've learned that the best way to find the cabin is to find the open area, then head north. At least.... that's what Taco saids is best to do when on a walk. 

So, I walk towards the open area. I have a general idea on where it is. .... hold on... I hear something.

No....... I hear someONE.... shit!

Not wanting to be found.... I try to be as quiet as possible. I walks slower, so I don't emit too much noise. I don't want to find out whose out here, so I better stay quiet.

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