Chapter 8: Guilt Upon Disappointment

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*Some vulgar language*

*OJ's P.O.V*

.... Balloon is gone......

He ranway from the hotel......

Oh my god. How are we going to find him!?

'Calm down OJ. We're going to find him.... We have to.', I try to calm myself.

It was the next day. I didn't get much sleep. *Sigh* How am I going to explain this to everyone?

Hang on.... Balloon wrote notes to EVERYONE. Even those still in season 2! I need to call Mephone and get EVERYONE here.

I get up from my bed, grab my phone and open my contacts. I scroll down to the contact that saids 'Fat Slob of a Host', which was Mephone. I hit the call button and wait for him to anwer.

"Hello?", I hear a tired Mephone answer.

"Mephone! It's OJ.", I greet.

"OJ? The hell you doing calling me at 8 am?", He asked. It's not that early Mephone!

"Look. It's urgent. I can't tell you right now. I need you to grab everyone still in season 2 and the co-hosts and come to the hotel at around 12 pm.", I explain to him.

"What? OJ. What's going on? I am not in the mood to get a lawsuit again", Mephone stated.

'Heh. Still salty about me sueing him', I chuckled in my head.

"Like I said. I can't I need everyone to be there! Including you guys. I'll explain then.", I told him.

"Ugh. Okay okay. Calm your pits OJ.", Mephone sighed, quoting a line from season 1.

"I'll see you at 12 pm.", Mephone said as he hung up.

Okay. That's taken care of. Now. To make some breakfast for everyone. 

Normally, Paper is making breakfast. But he's asleep. I think learning about Balloon's mental state made Paper even more worried. It makes me worried about him.

I take a stretch and start making my way towards the kitchen. I give Paper a kiss on the forehead before I left tho.

'WHY DID I DO THAT!? OH MY GOD!', I panicked as I left the room.

I think I might have a crush on him.... I need to talk to someone about it though, just to make sure. But that can wait.

We have bigger priorities than a simple crush. I mean, for starters, I need to make breakfast!

I make it to the kitchen and debate on what to make. I decided to make some potato and egg and some toast. That sounded good, plus Knife said I should make it one day.

I have an idea on how to make this.... I think. I'm gonna try anyways. 

Hope this turns out well....

*Nickel's P.O.V.*

I..... I didn't know what to say or think.

Balloon really left..... I couldn't believe it. I don't want to believe it.

.... Damn it. I feel so.... guilty. Ugh, that sounds weird even in my head.

I'm just laying in my room, now feeling just a little empty since Balloon left. Man. I feel lonely as hell. Is... Is this how Balloon felt all this time?

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