Chapter 33: RUN!!!

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*2 months later*

*Balloon's P.O.V*

It's been about 2 months since we've been found out by the others. 

To say we were stressed was an understatement at best. 

It was constant surveillance on our surroundings at all times. We needed to be on the look out for just about anyone.

Sure. I know they want me back at the hotel. But I'm not sure I want to go back now. Life has been it's best with just us here.

Back at the hotel, it was constant anxiety, depression, fear and hate. I just wanted to climb into a ball or something and never come out while at the hotel. 

Nobody cared about me there. Trophy did, but he wanted to keep up his 'jock' act. Suitcase I'm sure cared about me too. But I just didn't feel like living there anymore.

I never belong there. It never felt like a home or just a place to be safe at. It was a nightmare for me.

But out here? I felt free. I felt safe with these 3 by my side. I felt..... happy. I haven't felt happy in such a long time.

I was happy with Taco and Mepad. Sure. Our situation could be under better circumstances. But I was happy nonetheless.

Right now. I was out on a walk. I know, it's extremely risky to be out on a walk. But Taco had these invisa-bows she somehow forgot!

She had two, but one was with Mic. She somehow got it back so we could use it to sneak around. 

Sadly, we only had the two bows. So only 2 of us could be out at a time. Taco had been out, but she just returned home, same as Mepad.

I needed some fresh air, so I was out right now. The cave is looking a lot more like home now, which is always good.

We had gotten a way in which we could still cook and not be noticed. And that was to just sneak in and do quick meals.

Again, risky sure. But with the bows, it wasn't so hard to manage. Sometimes, we used the sticks and made a fire to cook in a more campstyle way.

Right now I'm just on a simple walk. I needed this, I've been way to stressed for my own good.

On top of that, my insomnia is being a pain in the ass. I haven't slept in a good week now. Taco has noticed this, but hasn't said much. Just a typical 'are you okay?' stare at me.

Man. Today feels soo good! The weather was just right for a picnic! If the circumstances were different, I totally would ask Taco and Mepad if they wanted to go out on a picnic.

But sadly, we can't. Not when our lives are on the line. Wait, I didn't mean to phrase it like that.

Our lives aren't in danger at all. I just mean, we've stayed hidden for this long. It would be very awkward if we had to pop back into society

I mean. Me and Taco were the 2 most hated constants on Inanimate Insanity! We couldn't even show the others how we've changed!

Mepad was just here because we needed that 'father figure' part of the team. Me and Taco both have too much drama and emotions locked up and Mepad helps us realize how it's okay to feel weak.

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