Chapter 22: Confronting

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(*Mentions of depression and self harm!*)

*Taco's P.O.V*

I was heading home for the evening. Today was.... shall we say, interesting.

First off, I was meeting up with Microphone via headset when there was a meeting for a new challenge. I didn't even know they were going back to recording!

I was still connected to Microphone's headset when I heard about the challenge. But, imagine my surprise to hear that Mephone's co-hosts were the one who came up with this challenge.

Mephone was absant that entire episode, up until the end. He was there to eliminate Fan, who lost the challenge.

Speaking of the challege, it was weird to me. The contestants had to go cave mining; much to Lightbulb's disappointment. They had to find these glowing gems and upon touch, you gained immunity.

That was only part of the weirdness. Besides Mephone not being there at all, which is always a red flag, something about this challenge felt... off.

The gems had a weird design, like it wasn't naturally made from rocks but nothing a person would make either. Something about them felt weird.

I was with Microphone, using the invisa-bows that we 'borrowed' from TestTube to stay hidden. Unfortunally, Knife found us because SOMEBODY had to sneeze. 

We tried to get him to join us, so we could grow our numbers, and have a higher chance at the million. However, he, let's just say, didn't seem interested. So, we needed to try and nab another one.

Me and Mic were still going when I found one of those gems on the celing of the cave. I got on top of Mic so I could get it for her.  Unforunately, the gem fell on me and I touched it. The gem hit my head really hard, leaving a scar on my face.

But.... that wasn't it. That gem did something. When it hit me, I saw something. Something I don't think I was suppose to see.

It was like a flashback. Those things you see on tv or in movies to show the past. It was like that but in reality. However, it wasn't like that at all.

The gem showed me ,what I interpreted to be anyways, to be a memory. Not my memory, but MEPHONE'S memory.  The 'memory' played out in a third person point of view, which was weird. 

Everything about that experience was weird. But that's what happened today. Mephone looked a little off when he came back, but it's not my business.

Back to what I was doing in the present time. I was heading back to the cabin because it's late. I have a bandage around my face, thanks to Mic. I was bleeding earlier but I don't think I was now. 

I'll check the damage when I get back. I felt so exhausted from today, it was super eventful and it wore me out. Who knew that getting back into this was going to take a toll on me.

Whatever, we still have a few episodes to go. A few more episodes before somebody new was crowned the winner of Inanimate Insanity.

'Just a little longer before I get my share of the million', I think to myself. 

The million. Something that I was just out of reach from back in season 1. Losing to that Uncultured Breakfast Beverage... Coming in second place because of that stupid Bow.

That's the past now. I have a new oppertunity to get what I want, thanks to Microphone. I'll finally have that gain that I alway wanted.

'But. Is it what I truely want?', I second guess myself.

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