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I'm out of near complete drafts I'm willing to post, so back to not knowing when the next update will be.

Rode Island wants to fight the Duolingo bird.

Gov will tell everyone to go to sleep and will drag them to their rooms and have them take melatonin if they don't sleep for a certain amount of time, but will be lucky if he gets five hours a week.

The higher the crime rate in a state, the more likely the state is to commit a crime themself.

A state can make fun of the people in its population, but as soon as anyone else does it they'll be throwing hands. It's like siblings, they can make fun of them, but no body else can.

Greg forgot he has Duolingo, the app is just collecting dust in a folder called "don't forget."

Whenever there's an party he's forced to go to, Nebraska always finds a way to spike the punch, or at least spike something.

Nebraska is growing a pine tree in his room.

New York doesn't have a driver's license.

When the Table was first being recorded someone tried to introduce a swear jar to cut back on bleeping in editing. It went about as bad as you'd expect.

Florida climbs through the vents.

Texas plays guitar.

Remember the Tubi Super Bowl commercial? The south flipped out when that happened and where about ready to throw hands, when they realized it was an ad.

Louisiana doesn't charge his phone at night and it's constantly dying.

Before Tennessee knew Washington was vegetarian he made him a hotdog and the western state got sick.

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