Prize Pools

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The states have a few long going bets and competitions, each with a decent prize pool.

There's betting on what state gov was from with 50000 in the pool. No one could tell if he was one of theirs, leaving it a waiting game. A year after the first meeting it was revealed he was from Florida. It was then that the states learned that he couldn't tell if people where from his state or not.

I feel like Montana would be a V-Tuber. I have no idea why.
The states that know that he's a V-Tuber have a bet going for how long before he talks with his V-Tuber voice (voice a little lower, softer, and really fast talking) during a meeting, and what day they thing that might be. There's 2507 in pot and it's still growing.

There's if Hawaii and Alaska are together or friends, with 7k in the pool. 31 states say their together, 16 say friends, and one stage says it's friends with benefits. That bet is still going.

Montana proposed a game of The Floor Is Lava with the rules that you can't touch the floor after someone calls "the floor is lava,", once you touch the floor your out, anyone can call it whenever, and you have to pay 20$ to join and the winner gets all the money. Everyone besides Hawaii and Alaska joined, and Gov doesn't know about the game.
It's still going. Texas, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mississippi, Connecticut, Kentucky, Wyoming, Mew Mexico, and Colorado are out. The shorter states, and California and Florida have use GOV, Texas, and Alaska as ways to not touch the ground.

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