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Someone please tell me how to give chapters good names-

Gov doesn't allow the states to visit countries or fir countries to visit the states without supervision, unless they have good relations or are ally's with the US to avoid any possibly ruined alliances, injuries, or worse.

While California panics because of the tropical storm Florida is giving them advice. Cal might not listen to all the advice but it's better then none. (So that's what the winds from- and it kinda explains why it's raining)

A few states have tried to start a business before, like selling honey, bread, or jewelry, but the thing stopping them is the paperwork involved. Everyone hates paperwork and they do enough of that already. So no business until they have the time and motivation.

During football season the south have to stock their own beer instead of taking from the shared supply of alcohol (California has brought way too much wine and leaving him to drink it all would be a horrible idea, and same with Texas and beer) or else the supply would run dry and everyone would be drunk and sad.

California and Hawaii watch anime together whenever she visits.

California and Florida play cult of the lamb and are competing to see who'll finish the game faster during meetings. They both have a separate cult just for that race.

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