*chaper name*

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Every state has had to be bailed out of jail at some point. From the original 13 and the Revolution, to states them causing public disturbances by fighting in public.

If California sees, has, or finds on his land gold he won't tell anyone about it. Doesn't want another gold rush....

Also I saw this head-cannon somewhere a while ago I think where Cal had golden hair, but it lost its golden color when the gold was taken.
So imma add into that that when he finds golden streaks in his hair he will hide them, or use colored hair spray so no one will notice (he won't dye them, it wouldn't fell right).

The west coast 100% does tiktok trends.
Oregon tried to do the double it and give it to someone else thing and started with new York. He only lost a dollar.

The states grow copyrighted fruit illegally and don't give a shit that it's illegal.

California's phone is almost always dead or near dead.

Half the states have Oklahoma's ring tone as songs from Oklahoma the Musical. The other half don't have his contact, they have Oklahoma City's. They mixed the two up and haven't realized yet. City knows and hasn't corrected them and doesn't plan on it.

Georgia gossips. Idk what about, idk why, I just feel like they do.

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