Karen and Goat

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Please vote on one of these options before I post the next chapter or Spinny Wheel will decide and I feel like Spinny Wheel will decide out of all states: Oregon, Washington, New Hampshire, New York, Texas, Spinny Wheel, Arkansas, or any other to be used in the weird Gov bearlyastoryline thing going on.
Also if there's any other state you'd like me to do head canons of them and their regions/cities let me know!

New Hampshire can out Karen a Karen.

Florida plays way too much Roblox and he has been told many times to stop stealing money to buy Robux because he has his own money. Is that going to stop him though? Nope.

California wears a face mask around the state house when the air condition in his state gets bad.

Why's there a goat in the meeting room???...

Kansas pronouns Arkansas as 'Ar-Kansas' to annoy him. It's working.

(I imagine Florida running away from someone to avoid being caught or getting in trouble is similar to Tom escaping Jerry from Tom and Jerry. He always has a trick up his sleeve)

Massachusetts is annoyed that Oregon took the name Salem for one of his towns.

....No the goat cannot stay! It's eating all the paperwork, and Gov does not want to do all that signing again....

Florida believes Unicorns are real.
No one tell him-

None of the states understand children's beauty pageants

....Who gave the goat a Karen haircut wig????

PETA broke in again and destroyed of COW's vegetarian meat alternatives that have dairy. No one is happy because that means the trio will have to do more shopping just to replace their meat alternatives, which are expensive. On the bright side though they can sue Peta for braking and entering which all the states are happy about.

Tw(?): Mentions of Death and Grieving

Every year on the day his sister passed Kansas visits her grave. He still misses her, he misses her so much, but there's nothing he could've done...

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